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  1. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    Are there any tutorials for something like this? What kind of pump/fan should I get DL??
  2. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    nice scruber! I'm needing to put some type of odor control in place... Did youalready have that pump? How much did that all cost? I was thinking before of doing the set up with a 5gall bucket, fan and ONA .. Is this better though?? My AKs should get strong :(
  3. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    loving it!!
  4. leggoeggo

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    so I saw this on HGTV thought it was cool... Press the leaf, on black matt, then in the corner they had a little white card with name (strain), latin, etc... then they put all the frames together (like 2 rows of 4), looked really sharp. Thought about doing a framed leaf for every new strain I...
  5. leggoeggo

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    Yeap first one.... There were a good bit of probelms at first they took forever to grow. Finally got over the hump and it's been great! Most of this growth is in the last two weeks or so. Can not wait!! Was just talking how I want to frame a fan leaf.... Would that be illegal technacilly? In...
  6. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    Oh... You'll get a list :) lemme toke on this LOL
  7. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    told you, just a little positive thinking ;) HAHA get em!
  8. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    does it fluctuate a lot? Even though its in good range for hydro, if it keeps jumping back from 5.6-6.3 every day or so it may add a little stress... ?
  9. leggoeggo

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    Day 53: No pics... sorry, been a busy day! Girls are doing great! I think my little nut sacs really are small females... but we'll see. They keep slowly getting taller, I removed the last set of phonebooks today because they were in the lights again. Now the tub/res is just sitting on a small...
  10. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    Look how cozy!! I'm sure you're girls are loving the new set up... and I do "say" girls... a little positive thinking can go a long way ;) I think we have the same tub :)
  11. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    It'll be nice to get them together I think... i'd do the same thing Well, it's 'tomorrow' how are they looking girlie?? I'm sure you'll be getting flowers in no time!
  12. leggoeggo

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    So I'm away from my girls tonight... I'll see them again tomorrow evening. I may add some more nutes in a day or two... bring them closer to the "aggressive growth" dossage by my GH chart... we'll see. Then a couple days after that would be time to switch everything to flower!!! Yes i will...
  13. leggoeggo

    DWC for beginners

    so when you're talking about growing conditions... do you mean the ROOM(closet, etc?) or just the tub/pots JUST the space the plants take up?? My tub is about 2' x 1.5' off top of my head... I'm not at home near my girlies CFLs (compact florescent lights) are those spiral new weird looking...
  14. leggoeggo

    DWC for beginners

    can somebody use CFLs to get that extra wattage??
  15. leggoeggo

    DWC for beginners

    Have it on adjustable chains if you can, just as long as it can be adjusted all the way too the top... I have a problem with mine, my HPS is semi-fixed, so I have my res sitting on a truck and phonebooks which I lower to change the light distance... much easier to just raise the light :) Have...
  16. leggoeggo

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    hmm.. I dont know baby doll... :( dont think I'd worry about it too much, but I know what you mean about bugging you
  17. leggoeggo

    First time grow... Is it all about the Lumens?

    BXKE has a greak thread for the e-cono HPS Goes through all the rewiring to do... think he goes into reflector... I made mine with a small sheet of alluminum from the Home Depot (heating/cooling), made two bends for the...
  18. leggoeggo

    My 1 plant update

    good deal. FYI, the plants are designed (by Mother nature) to start to flower when light is 12/12 because it is the light schedule of Fall... also why they love the red/orange light (harvest/fall sun) The long days 18/6... 24/0 etc are the long days of Spring/summer and the bright BLUE...
  19. leggoeggo

    Cruelty's First Grow from Bagseed

    Very nice grow-room for a newb!! Hope it all goes good, like to see the suprises of bag-seed :) You may want to get some (6?) daylight 65K CFLs to add to the HPS... since in veg they love the blue light (that daylights put out) you'll really notice a difference!! In an hour, you'll already see...
  20. leggoeggo

    What is this ...with pics..!!!

    done and done