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  1. dr.feelgood69

    Air Conditioner Tripping Circuit Breaker

    Okay, I ran an 16 gauge extension cord (rated for 13 Amps and 125 Volts and 1625 Watts) from the A/C to the open hallway plug-in's. The A/C is rated for 115V and 9.2 Amps. The only problem is that I don't see anything on the A/C about wattage. There is something that says 2950 W but it is...
  2. dr.feelgood69


    What's wrong with Pensacola? Seriously, i don't know?
  3. dr.feelgood69

    Heat inside with Pics - Need Help!

    About 76 Degrees.
  4. dr.feelgood69

    Heat inside with Pics - Need Help!

    Check out the Pic's and you will see that the only thing I am lacking is a regular fan. I will be adding that in a few minutes but I know that won't completely solve the problem. It will probably only affect the tent a couple of degrees. The tent is 5x5x7 and currently has an eight bulb set...
  5. dr.feelgood69

    Air Conditioner Tripping Circuit Breaker

    My tent is getting way too hot with my 8 bulb T5 set and the 600w HPS in the 5x5x7. I do have the hydrofarm active air 6 inch inline hooked up through the 600 HPS cool tube but if I shut up the doors on the tent the temp would shoot way up there. Just with the doors unzipped the temp is at...
  6. dr.feelgood69

    Stupid....and....Funny...but really just stupid ending with a ?????

    Man that thing poped, cracked I saw electricity and immediately unplugged everything, I could even smell it burning. But I can believe it was a bunk surge protector. Everything is plugged back in without the surge protector of course and is working just fine. I just wanted to make sure that...
  7. dr.feelgood69

    Stupid....and....Funny...but really just stupid ending with a ?????

    Yea it was the surge protector, I just threw it away, I'm sure now after thinking about it that it wasn't meant for all of that wattage.
  8. dr.feelgood69

    Stupid....and....Funny...but really just stupid ending with a ?????

    okay, so I set up the HPS and plugged the ballast into a surge protector and of course blew up right up, sparks and everything, uggh. But to be on the safe side can I leave the ballast on the carpet or will there end up being a heat problem?
  9. dr.feelgood69


    This is the reply I was looking for. You answered all of my questions and made me feel a lot better. I thought I was just being paranoid but you know ignorance breeds more stupidity. Now at least I am not ignorant. I am not planning on selling or doing anything like that, I just want...
  10. dr.feelgood69

    Hydrofarm Active air 6 inch In-Line Fan 400 CFM Setup ???

    You know I think I got a pretty good one it is a 5x5x7 and is mylar with a floor cover but it probably would hold it I am probably just being over cautious but I think it is a good idea to build something to attach it to the frame at the top of the tent. It is better to put the fan at the top...
  11. dr.feelgood69

    Hydrofarm Active air 6 inch In-Line Fan 400 CFM Setup ???

    Actually what I mean is how can I put it into the side of the tent with-out putting too much pressure on the wall of the tent?
  12. dr.feelgood69


    Really no problems with the heat signature, I hear helicopters flying over all the time, I have no idea what the hell they are doing or who they are but just want to be safe. How much do you think this will push up my electricity bill, by a lot or what?
  13. dr.feelgood69

    Hydrofarm Active air 6 inch In-Line Fan 400 CFM Setup ???

    Okay, I got my fan and am trying to put it up in my tent and I realize that I have no idea how to secure it to the tent so that the weight of the fan won't put too much stress on the wall of the tent. Can someone explain how I should do this?
  14. dr.feelgood69


    Okay guys here is what I am thinking about doing, I have two parents one is a 5 x 5 x 7 in which I will put in 600 metal halide light ( the light is capable of metal halide or HIS) but as I will use it for vegging of course I will just use the MH part. I'll put that in the large 5...
  15. dr.feelgood69

    Huge Problem Large 600 Light MH or HPS compatable and small tent

    I understand bro and agree with you 100%, 20 hours is enough get some sleep and if it is okay I will get some shut eye and hit you up again tomarrow if you don't mind. I do appreciate the help. Good night.
  16. dr.feelgood69

    Huge Problem Large 600 Light MH or HPS compatable and small tent

    Now were getting into some serious Masters degree stuff, I like it, I like you and your ideas, feel free to hit me up with them anytime, I welcome it. I think I will start building that shelving unit tomorrow. Let me ask you this would it be better to put my T5's as well as the MH 600's into...
  17. dr.feelgood69

    Huge Problem Large 600 Light MH or HPS compatable and small tent

    Also, I'm not sure my 8 bulb T5's would fit in the smaller tent, they might, I think I will measure now to check.
  18. dr.feelgood69

    Huge Problem Large 600 Light MH or HPS compatable and small tent

    I wouldn't mind doing that except I would only have a limited amount of mothers available at any given one time.
  19. dr.feelgood69

    Huge Problem Large 600 Light MH or HPS compatable and small tent

    you can see on this one I have the 600 HPS in the tent and hardly enough room on either side to run the ducts for the exhaust fan or scrubber or anything, WTF, you thing they would tell you what they would recommend using with the tent when you buy then, thats' why I went for the big 5x5x7 so I...