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  1. dr.feelgood69

    "Training", Burnt leaves and advice?

    Guess the leaves being burn is no prbles?
  2. dr.feelgood69

    Transplant and wattering plant?

    I transplanted a 14 inch plant on Monday night from a 3 1/2 Gallon into a 5 Gallon on Monday night. Do you think it is to early to go ahead now with no problems?
  3. dr.feelgood69

    Transplanting and Wattering ----

    I transplanted one plant about 14 inches now from a 3Gallon bucket into a 5 1/2 G on Monday night. Consequently, I watered thouroughly that evening without using any neuts. Do you think it is okay to water tonight or should I wait the 1 or 2 days in order to make sure it is doing okay first? I...
  4. dr.feelgood69

    "Training", Burnt leaves and advice?

    Okay, I accidentally let my plant grow a little too far into my 600 HPS last night and consequently have a few burnt leaves. They are not too bad because the tube stopped them before it was able to get real bad. In any event, I decided to go ahead and tie the top down some in the hopes of...
  5. dr.feelgood69

    Early Cloning???

    Cool enough, only one thing, two day ago I transplanted it from a 3 gallon bucket into a 5 gallon bucket, do you think I should wait a few more days to see if there is any transplant shock or should it matter at all?
  6. dr.feelgood69

    Early Cloning???

    This one I plan on keeping perpetually in the VEG state purposely to keep cloning.
  7. dr.feelgood69

    Early Cloning???

    I know you are supposed to wait until a plant is 2 months old to clone anything from it but I was wondering if 10 days would really matter. I have a plant that is this much shy of being two months old and is slightly over a foot high and I would like to clone a few from it now but definitely...
  8. dr.feelgood69

    Plant growth and stunted growth? Weekly Growth?

    Last night, I did just transplant several of my plants including the one that has grown fairly decently. It is about a foot and did in fact seem to be root-bound (as the roots were traveling up and down the sides of the bucket) even though it was in a 3 gallon bucket at that time. I watered...
  9. dr.feelgood69

    Plant growth and stunted growth? Weekly Growth?

    The temp is 79-80 and the humidity is about 20-25 percent. I am using a 600 HPS and 4 out of 8 T5 full lumen bulbs. I would use the other 4 but the temperature shoots above 85 degrees and my air-conditioner can't seem to handle the added lighting.
  10. dr.feelgood69


    What is the best age to top a plant, I have a plant that is exactly 68 days old and is about a foot tall and also need to know what is the best way to do it?
  11. dr.feelgood69

    Plant growth and stunted growth? Weekly Growth?

    Okay, got that. But now if a plant is very slow growing, and I mean VERY VERY slow growing, there is probably something wrong, correct, especially if you are growing several different strains under the same conditions?
  12. dr.feelgood69

    Plant growth and stunted growth? Weekly Growth?

    How much should a plant grow in say a week's time? I have a of plants that are exactly six weeks old and have grown pretty good while I have a lot more of the same plants (from seeds) that have been grown under the EXACT same conditions, literally NEXT TO EACH OTHER and are a fraction (and I...
  13. dr.feelgood69

    Plants live but stop growing? Wtf???

    Straight up man, that's exactly what I am going to do. I've got too much, time, money and (pride) in this to let it all go to Hell now. I'll let you know how it works out. Also, just for general good info, I added a little 'Replicator' rooting gel to the roots on some of the new seedlings...
  14. dr.feelgood69

    Plants live but stop growing? Wtf???

    What do you think I should do? Any suggestions or just see how it goes with the bigger buckets?
  15. dr.feelgood69

    Plants live but stop growing? Wtf???

    I am wattering every 3 days. I fill the container up enough until I see it coming out of the bottom of the drain holes, is this the right way? At 2 days it seems like the surface of the soil is still slightly damp? Also, will this just stop the plant from growing and nothing else (no signs of...
  16. dr.feelgood69

    Plants live but stop growing? Wtf???

    I thought 85 was the highest that we really wanted the plants to be in an environment? Also, just to follow up, the plant roots were growing up and down the sides of the pot? Is that normal? Also, will this just stop the plant from growing and nothing else (no signs of stress...?)
  17. dr.feelgood69

    Plants live but stop growing? Wtf???

    I have several plants that live okay, but have just stopped growing. For a couple of things I may have figured out the problem. #1. The temperature was approx. 85 Degrees F all the time. I'm thinking this may be a little bit too high? I added a room A/C which is bringing the temperature...
  18. dr.feelgood69

    Air Conditioner Tripping Circuit Breaker

    To bring them down to the 45-55 degrees at night do you just use an A/C to do that?
  19. dr.feelgood69

    Air Conditioner Tripping Circuit Breaker

    I should shoot for about 76 degrees F, correct?
  20. dr.feelgood69

    Air Conditioner Tripping Circuit Breaker

    The A/C says, "BTU/h" which I am assuming is British Thermal Units per Hour is 10000. What do you think?