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  1. T

    PH Problem?

    Thanks for the info and replies guys. What I'm thinking now is that there was heat damage to the plants. It's only on the higher leaves and now that I've moved my light from about 12 inches (I know way too close) to about 26 inches away, the new growth seems fine. The leaves that were...
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    PH Problem?

    I suppose I should add that I'm using a 600W MH about 22" away from canopy and watering with distilled. Oscillating fan blowing lightly across plants about 4-5 feet away. Any input is appreciated.
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    PH Problem?

    Hey fellas, first time here and I'm wondering if my plants are having a PH problem, higher leaves are curling under or twisting. I'm using Sunshine #4 Soil which I'm told prevents burn and using organic nutrients. Plants are about 4 weeks old so I've used about 1/4 of what's recommended on the...
  4. T

    Growing in basement and air circulation

    Thanks Cruzer, easy enough. That kind of leads me to my next question, I'll have a 400W MH bulb going in an air coolable reflector within the next couple weeks. Being that my basement is about 900 sq ft, do I still need to ventilate?
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    Growing in basement and air circulation

    Bumping, anyone?
  6. T

    Growing in basement and air circulation

    Hey fellas, first time grower here. The only place I can grow is in my basement which is a daylight basement with 3 windows and a door all on the north wall of my basement. It's also about 900 square feet. I germinated 3 seeds and it looks like only one is taking. It's about 2 inches high...
  7. T

    Rookie Mistakes

    Hey guys, growing for the first time here and believe I've made some mistakes. I germinated the seeds until the roots were present. I bought Miracle Gro high in nitrogen and somewhat compacted (mistake #1) the soil into 3 solo cups with cut slits at the bottom and filled about 3/4 full. I...