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  1. kcbennie

    Dealing with deer early in the season

    Liquid Fence, huh? How often do you have to reapply it? Is it expensive? What about the mothballls? Do they work very good?
  2. kcbennie

    Dealing with deer early in the season

    This year I started inside and put my plants outside around the middle of April. With my plants being about 3 feet tall at a time when there is very little other vegetation, I suffered considerable casualties to deer that stumbled upon a tasty treat. What is the best way to deter deer from...
  3. kcbennie

    Molassess in a hydro bucket system?

    Come on, man. Help a brother out.
  4. kcbennie

    can anyone help!! blueberry grow/PICS!!

    That looks like nute burn. Let the dirt dry out completely, then water heavely with fresh water and no nutes. Don't use nutes for the next few waterings and you should be cool.
  5. kcbennie

    Molassess in a hydro bucket system?

    I'm guessing that it would be a bad idea to use blackstrap molassess in a 4 bucket hydro system, but I thought I'd ask. What do you think? If it is a bad idea, can you suggest a product that can be used in that system for the same results as the molassess?
  6. kcbennie

    "Spice" four times stronger than THC!!!

    That link is dead. What was the spice?
  7. kcbennie

    Getting More Females From Your Seeds

    whatever. I'm speaking from first hand experience. You should start your seeds, clone them as soon as possible and labe the new clones to match the parent, and then flower the clones (seperate from the parents that are still in veg). It will take you 2 weeks to root the clones and two weeks to...
  8. kcbennie

    first grow

    does your flowershave hairs or balls? You'll know the difference. Hairs good. Balls bad.
  9. kcbennie

    Getting More Females From Your Seeds

    my understanding is that the sex is determined in the 2 weeks time that the seed sprouts until the vegetative stage. Once the plant goes from seedling (mostly root growth) to vegetative (plant growth), the sex has been determined. When the plant grows its 2nd or 3rd set of leaves, clone it and...
  10. kcbennie

    How do you clone a 100% Indica strain

    Top it and make a clone from the top that you pick off. Your buds will be plenty big.
  11. kcbennie

    WHy 18/6 insteady of 19/5, 20/4 or 21/3?

    Your plants do their growing in the dark. The more dark they get, the more they will stretch. I've always vegged on 24 hrs. It keeps my plants compact with less space between nodes. After 2 weeks of rooting and 6 weeks of vegging, the plant only gets about a foot, maybe foot and a half tall. The...
  12. kcbennie

    Problem starting seeds...

    I appreciate your replies. I keep a close watch on the air temp under the hood and the temp of the soil. I never let it get over 90, but usually keep it aroung 84 - 86 degrees. I added some water to the dirt to keep them soaked. Yes, the taproots were out on every seed I planted. The only...
  13. kcbennie

    Problem starting seeds...

    I put my seeds folded between wet paper towels and in ziplock baggies and let them sit for 7 days. Then I took the seeds that were busted open and showing a little "foot" root and put them in soil about the depth of the size of the seed (4 or 5 mm) and put about a mm of soil over them. Then I...
  14. kcbennie

    Look at this...

    That's funny. You're growing a joint. Congrats!
  15. kcbennie

    Dutch's Outdoor w/pics!!!

    Judging from the amount of red hairs vs. white hairs, you would probably be alright to harvest. Although another week or two could seriously increase you overall yield weight. It's shoking how exponentially the weight of the buds increase towards the end of the grow. One time I harvested a...
  16. kcbennie

    toad licking!!!

    Just eat 3 grams of shrooms and get it over with.
  17. kcbennie

    Lucy TONIGHT

    At the risk of sounding old and stupid, what is "DOC?"
  18. kcbennie

    LSD or Shrooms

    Flashbacks are more of drug war scare tactic to keep you away from acid. I know alot of people who have eaten alot of acid and I don't know anybody who has had a flashback. If you have never tripped before, the gentlest way to get into it is to take about 2 grams of mushroom (a couple caps and...
  19. kcbennie

    whos a commputer wizard need help

    Do you have a pop-up blocker turned on? If your mail is trying to open in a new window, a pop-blocker will keep it from working.
  20. kcbennie


    Quitting pot is easy. Just get some cocaine. Just kidding. Quitting is a bitch, man.