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  1. kcbennie

    How Long.....

    The longer you veg, the bigger your plants will be when you do start to flower, in which case you can expect a higher yield. You can start flowering now. I would guess that you'll end up with about a half to an ounce per plant. However, if you veg for 3 or 4 more weeks, you could end up with...
  2. kcbennie

    Food Dehydrators

    A food dehydrated is fine for "drying" buds, but not for curing them. When curing your buds, the object is to make it take as long as possible for you buds to dry. I would put a couple of buds in the dehydrator just to sample the product, but I wouldn't put your whole load in there.
  3. kcbennie

    My baby gurl. (first timer + pics)

    You'll probably get a half to an ounce after it cures.
  4. kcbennie

    Drying and curing

    Hang it upside down for 3-5 days. You should be able to snap the branches. Then do any final trimming and put it in a jar. Open the jar two or three times a day and take your buds out. They shoud feel moist when you take them out of the jar. Do this for about 5 - 7 days. It should be cured...
  5. kcbennie

    Is that male for sure?? (pic)

    You'll know if you see hairs or not.
  6. kcbennie

    Clipping During Flowering?

    How do you about tying it down?
  7. kcbennie

    morning glories?

    After the flower falls off, the place where the flower was will swell up into a ball shaped pod. The seeds are in there. You need about 250-500 seeds to trip. In my opinion, they are a complete waste of time, and maybe even a stupid thing to do. I tried to trip on these three time and got...