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  1. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    unfortunately politicians love huge profits, the only reason that prop 215 was passed, in order to make money off of taxing for the ethics involved with lying to a doctor, I would say it is an analogy, if you were pulled oveand asked if you were high would you...
  2. mr.swishas&herb

    SpinPro is worth every penny.

    let me know if you find out how to convert the dremel into the trimmer...sounds quite intriguing
  3. mr.swishas&herb

    wtf is a cola?

    if it isn't smokable then why is it in the conversation? haha totally joking... and i agree 100 percept w/ your quote...blunts are the way to go damn gas station by me was charging 2 bucks per royal blunt wraps, said fuck that and am getting them via the mail for 50 cents a piece :)
  4. mr.swishas&herb


    if you cannot grasp the concept of my message you may want to repeat kindergarten
  5. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    love the passion but you have to push your congressmen, not californians to vote yes...the entire country already sees cali as the pot head state and most states did not respect their prop 215 movement, therefore they are definitely going to oppose prop 19 and view the west coast in an even more...
  6. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    marijuana numbers should be 2x as high unless they are doctors...i do my job much better high as opposed to sober...and then alcohol? a CNS depressant...comparing apples and oranges imo
  7. mr.swishas&herb

    SpinPro is worth every penny.

    ahh okay, it is exactly like it sounds then haha.. good looks coloradolove
  8. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    tummy ache?
  9. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    good point...also i had to submit to a drug test to work at fucking sears in NY so i highly doubt that Prop 19 is the cause of drug testing lmao...just sounds like a joke saying it, i do believe it could increase the random drug testing however...but the key to solving this issue is removing the...
  10. mr.swishas&herb

    SpinPro is worth every penny.

    what is this DryNet you speak of?
  11. mr.swishas&herb

    NO! On Prop 19

    you should become a travel agent haha, didn't mean that offensively but you are making me wish i was in cali that much more...have you ever seen the natural museum of history in manhattan? state of the art...but good luck enjoying the scenery sober
  12. mr.swishas&herb

    Is this somthing old or is this somthing new?

    did you notice a significant increase in yield with this experiment?
  13. mr.swishas&herb

    Quick question?!?!

    not a problem...happy to help
  14. mr.swishas&herb

    Quick question?!?!

    yup the more the merrier, just make sure they are on the correct lighting schedule (obviously) WARNING: extra lights could be a problem if your ventilation is not up to par, therefore make sure your plant is getting good air circulation before increasing amount of lights
  15. mr.swishas&herb

    wtf is a cola?

    cola=weed nugs=weed who cares what its called or its is weed, marijuana, pot (w/e the hell ya wanna call it) my point being that i don't care if you give me a bud or a cola as long as i got the amount of grams that i paid for...
  16. mr.swishas&herb


    hahaha i feel like im reading a kindergarten discussion...c'mon ya'll we all grow tons of the bud that binds so light up a blunt and pass off differences as ya pass the ganja we are never going to get people to understand the uses of this plant if the advocates cannot communicate with class...
  17. mr.swishas&herb

    Should my buds be sticky now?

    Which buds are not developing the thc? are they lower buds towards the bottom of the plant or the top colas? because if the top colas are the only ones w/o thc production I would use my best-guess to say the light is too close... but I would say it also depends on the strain, if it is a sativa...
  18. mr.swishas&herb

    How close can the light be?

    "every little counts right?" like every little adjustment counts? because I agree with that statement... Also I would say that 14'' is definitely enough space especially if it is cooled
  19. mr.swishas&herb

    Just signed up..

    welcome to RIU! good luck with your growing experience
  20. mr.swishas&herb

    wtf is a cola?

    guilty........everybody is obsessed w/ giant cans of coca-cola lol