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  1. ImTheFireMan

    Illegal Aliens and their 338.3 BILLION DOLLAR IMPACT

    i agree, unfortunately, i also believe that this problem is way out of our grasp for us to even make a significant difference
  2. ImTheFireMan

    Illegal Aliens and their 338.3 BILLION DOLLAR IMPACT

    plus i have family that is here illegally and i cant help but be proud of their accomplishments thanks to this country
  3. ImTheFireMan

    Illegal Aliens and their 338.3 BILLION DOLLAR IMPACT

    its our own fault for being too lazy to do the jobs illegals do. i cant be mad at a man for wanting a better life for his family. if you had the opportunity would you stand around with thumb in ass or would you do what it takes to provide something better for you and your loved ones?
  4. ImTheFireMan

    What's your favorite munchie food?

    well on the late tip like right now if i had munchies, i would be fucked. but i try to keep somethin sweet on hand, like oreos(no milk :-() or a lot of times i go for left overs from previous meals. i eat out a lot and always over order and end up bringing home left overs. DR PEPPER is a must...
  5. ImTheFireMan

    appartment grow needs youre help

    i suppose as long as you had that fresh air from outside coming in it would be ok. sounds like the tent might be the way to go for you. but 1200 bucks seems expensive. ive never been in the market so i dont know what those things go for. my set up is all like DIY style. i got a bunch of...
  6. ImTheFireMan

    What is up with hydroponic store owners asking questions about your personal life???

    ya for real, i'm with that guy ^^^ i have been going to a shop close by and i told him my boy owns this other one thats like 20 miles away where i receive a 20% discount. he looked at me and said "well since you're in here so often and i like you i'll give you 10% when you come here" i was...
  7. ImTheFireMan

    appartment grow needs youre help

    why dont you send the hot air into the rest of the living space? or you can always suck cold air from the outside and blow it on your bulb.
  8. ImTheFireMan

    An easy way to put the holes for the net pots in your lid.

    serrated knife, barbarian style
  9. ImTheFireMan

    appartment grow needs youre help

    well the bloom box is probably neater and more discreet. will there be a 600hps in the bloom box?
  10. ImTheFireMan

    appartment grow needs youre help

    just do it
  11. ImTheFireMan

    Led lights?

    i think LEDs would make great supplemental lighting. i have HPS's and i would love to get some LEDs on the sides or the bottoms just to see if any benefits occur. but its not worth the money to be foolishly testing theories. at least for me. i would get 2x750w digital ballasts instead for a...
  12. ImTheFireMan

    leafs turning yellow WTF? HELP!

    looks fine so far. hows your ventilation? have you started feeding nuteS? how old is the plant? whats kinda soil? u might have a nitrogen deficiency
  13. ImTheFireMan

    Growing in an Apartment

    if you absolutely have to grow. definitely a locked cab with sufficient ventilation would be the way to go. if you are concerned about the noise just have a fan on and some music playing when you are not home or when they come in. i would also put a lock on the room you are putting the cab in...
  14. ImTheFireMan

    RIU Lurkers SUCK!

    post 10 characters
  15. ImTheFireMan

    jiffy plugs/rockwool clones

    i dont know you guys.... this rockwool seems to be winning the race. i did 9 of each. the rockwool rooted 5, the jiffies, only 1, and 1 dead. both have had the same treatment. i think i'm convinced for myself.
  16. ImTheFireMan

    Question for the black guys.

    some mexicans are half white and half mex, but they claim the mex side. soem of them are just light. some people confuse cubans and colombians as mexicans and those foos aint reall dark.
  17. ImTheFireMan

    Question for the black guys.

    i try not to drop the N bomb as much as possible. but once in a while i'll be around some of my nigs and they will say it so much, to each other, to me and if i get caught up in the moment for sure i will say it without thinking twice if it was wrong or not. i think this is more just growing...
  18. ImTheFireMan

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  19. ImTheFireMan

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    haha that5hit here you go
  20. ImTheFireMan

    ZAPO Frog Information

    ive been to south america and on the tv they have commercials advising you not to lick the frogs. thought i would share the experience