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  1. JealousGreen

    Paradise Whiteberry, Ice Cream, Sensi Star

    They look pretty close to me. You could probably give them another 10 days it so if you want, but not too much more than that. Have you purchased a pocket microscope to check the trichs?
  2. JealousGreen

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    About 9/10 of the mushroom weight is water. That one is nearly 60 grams wet, so it will be about 6 grams dry. Believe me... 6 grams would be a truly heroic dose of just about any mushroom. If these are "very potent" 6 grams would set up a meeting between you and god. Get ready to astral project.
  3. JealousGreen

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Thanks citrus. I'd lay a few on you if I could.
  4. JealousGreen

    Why are you doing what you're doing?

    No, you done already done that.
  5. JealousGreen

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Pins are forming!! A few off of each cake so far. I'll take some pics tomorrow. Thanks for helping me get back on track.
  6. JealousGreen

    Life is going fucking amazing

    all your base are belong to us.
  7. JealousGreen

    Why are you doing what you're doing?

    I done already did that. I aint doin it no more for nothing. someone needs to pass me a doobie..
  8. JealousGreen

    Root Rot...What to do

    do a root soak with 2 teaspoons of H2O2 per gallon. This will unfortunately kill all the beneficial bacteria and fungi as well.
  9. JealousGreen

    First Time PF Tek - Ecuador (fruiting) GT (colonizing)

    i'd like to watch your subsequent flushes..
  10. JealousGreen

    150 Plant, 4000 Watt Grow, Chem Dawg, SGA, GDP, OG Purp, LA Con

    nice.. that's always the time consuming part of new room set up.
  11. JealousGreen

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    so when that 6 gram bad boy is dried... you going to eat the whole thing?? that sounds like an adventure.
  12. JealousGreen

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    here we are now.. happy and healthy:mrgreen: hoping to see new growth soon
  13. JealousGreen

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Soaked my cakes over-night, rolled them in verm and put them back in the fc today. Temp is steady at 76 since I added the heating mat. Humidity is staying up around 90% since I taped up some of the holes. I should be in business now. :)
  14. JealousGreen

    Gotta ask this question about femenization...

    HHermies that pollenate themselves will produce offspring similar to themselves, but there will be variation. so its not really like Cloning itself.
  15. JealousGreen

    Gotta ask this question about femenization...

    Bag seed is generally from males that managed to pollenate females in a large outdoor commercial crop. If they were hermie then all the seeds in bags of schwag would be either female or hermie. I've seen tons of males grown out from Mexican schwag.
  16. JealousGreen

    floureset lights?

    I was just correcting spelling. The tubes alone will be inadequate. Add cfls for side lights. Get a hps if you want dense nugs.
  17. JealousGreen

    What are you smoking??

    Traded a half zip of headband for a half of NYC Diesel. It tastes good.. :) I'm quite stoned.
  18. JealousGreen

    floureset lights?

  19. JealousGreen

    Need help with critical + plants

    Proper diagnoses requires pics.. could be lots of things based on description provided.
  20. JealousGreen

    Gotta ask this question about femenization...

    Indeed. I'd trust your instincts on that. I always buy standard seeds. Occasionally you find a really awesome male to use to make seeds. Feminized seeds run a greater risk of going hermie on you as well.