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  1. figtree

    lettuce and cauliflower? IS IT TRUE?

    cauliflower is a manmade veg, derived from broccoli, along with brussel sprouts. kinda like corns relationship to maize (spelling) corn is man made as well. banana skins were once called mellow yellow, once dried you scrape the white from the inside of the skin and smoke it. "they call it...
  2. figtree

    Coco Growers Unite!

    dang this is alot to go through for info.... i hope we can get a sub forum for coco, i'm new to coco and looking for info. i vote for coco subforum, how do we go about getting it setup?
  3. figtree

    figtree medicinal rejuvination grow

    yeah, bad news... oh well, moving onto a new journal. we'll see if i decide to reveg again. working with 6 bubba kush clones now, starting journal this week. i was hoping to clone from the reveg, but they were bagseed anyway so it worked out, funny the last one died the same day i got the new...
  4. figtree

    ph levels of bottled water!

    ooh smells good! gigity gigity bump...... nice info btw..
  5. figtree

    figtree medicinal rejuvination grow

    closing thread because of death of all attempts. lost my last one yesterday. rip. dang went bad fast! did come through with 6 bubba kush clones though, so will be making a new journal. thanks for the posts guys, maybe i'll try a new reveg later with not so butchered plants. they were random...
  6. figtree

    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    where are all the full solar rooftops? we can have solar on every roof on every building. what would that kill besides your energy bill? what kind of assenine excuse will they come up with to block an idea like that?
  7. figtree

    Do Your Plants Know the Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers?

    doesnt matter what the change is, there will always be someone against it, bring up solar in the desert and they'll find something it will kill because of fear of change. i am an avid 4 wheeler and grew up with the statement "tread lightly" some have not done this and now the worlds most...
  8. figtree

    Firs time growing - help needed

    i use a hps 150watt, works great for small grows.
  9. figtree

    How to put Flowering Mother Plant Back to Veg?

    rejuvinating as we speak, it does take a while but you should be ok. i butchered mine so its struggling, but its showing new growth. btw i would leave the little nugs, thats where the new growth comes in.
  10. figtree

    Another Reason To LOVE California

    wow! pretty sweet ca is huh?
  11. figtree

    First Legal Forum Post

    very nice work! thank you... the links will be used i'm sure.
  12. figtree

    had the fremont cali police arrest som weed thieves

    exceedingly excellent!
  13. figtree

    Keeping Grandmother Alive

    reveging, rejuvinating...
  14. figtree

    Double Time

  15. figtree

    I'm calling it...CA will legalize marijuana in 2010

    i noticed that effect when i got my card, but it has passed. now i feel safe and legal. i'll get my kicks in some other way. and smoke when i need to without feeling like a criminal.
  16. figtree

    Feds to stop prosecuting medical marijuana users

    woo hoo! we are almost there.
  17. figtree

    precursor to legalization?

    ok, so now that the feds have eased up their policy regarding medicinal users and suppliers (sanctioned) on oct. 19 so whats the consensus? i still think full legalization is a stones throw away. feds backing off of state laws... example of how a bigger gov. can work... leave the states to...
  18. figtree

    figtree medicinal rejuvination grow

    well, gave up on #3.... only #4 left still looks ok. pic attached. #3 looked like it had some mold on it so i cut it off, it is so small now i dont think it will make it, but it does have 1 branch that looks ok so i'm keeping it around to see what happens. my only real hopes are for #4.
  19. figtree

    figtree medicinal rejuvination grow

    thanks for the post. i haven't had time to update my pics, but i have lost my first own stupidity. good thing i still have 2 left, still worried though...have no clones or seeds left. #3 and #4 are still hangin in there, #4 looks the best now.. i may try to get a hold of some seeds or at...
  20. figtree

    brainstorm regeneration, whats your opinion

    wow... looks nice! you restarted on sept 14? not bad, thats pretty quick. i hope i have such good results.