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  1. desertrat

    Newbie here need alot of advice lol, planing to grow indoors starting very small

    hey noob, we were all there once. as passafier said you need to do some reading before anyone on the board can give you real help. start with and then check out the faq and stickies in each section. that'll teach you all the...
  2. desertrat

    Keeping plants smaller???

    read up on LST, topping and fimming - all are techniques covered in the faq and stickies that help you keep the plant short. also, there are pygmy strains that naturally grow small.
  3. desertrat

    Day 22 Flower - Lemon Skunk

    the grow times given by the seed banks are always too short. also, some people quote flower time from the first sign of flowering, not from when you went 12/12. that's about a two week difference. all that said, 56 days of 12/12 is fast but not out of the question. but i'd still bet on 7 more...
  4. desertrat

    Day 22 Flower - Lemon Skunk

    looking good - only 7 weeks or so to harvest:bigjoint:
  5. desertrat

    *Need help with mh/hps light systems* IM A NOOB re: this

    the fixed reflectors are about 5 inches above the bulb
  6. desertrat

    Can somebody please check my math?

    this will help you for awhile - the 7500 lumens per square ft is the recommended amount of light for flowering. you only need half that for vegging. also a 400 watt hps light will provide the same amount of light as your 15 cfl's with less energy and heat.
  7. desertrat

    *Need help with mh/hps light systems* IM A NOOB re: this

    the reflector on most hid systems is attached to the socket so the distance from reflector to light is fixed.
  8. desertrat

    how can we not know how much light by now?

    roflmao that's my chart
  9. desertrat

    Help! DONE?

    four to six weeks
  10. desertrat

    how can we not know how much light by now?

    yeah, i was just getting tired of all of the "how much light do i need?" questions.
  11. desertrat

    lighting guidance plz

    a 600 watt light is great for one square meter but you have 21 square meters not 8. the people who use 400 watt for a square meter are shooting for 3,000 lumens per square foot. see if you're interested in a...
  12. desertrat

    how can we not know how much light by now?

    of course there's lots of bad info on the net but this is ridiculous. half of the sources say 3,000 lumens per square foot while the other half says 7,000 or more lumens per square foot is the right answer for weed. i always go with the higher number, but what about you? sources that say...
  13. desertrat

    lighting guidance plz

    more like eight 1000 watt lights. sorry, don't know the metric equivalents but minimum light for weed is 3,000 lumens per square ft with the recommended amount 7,000 - 10,000 lumens per square ft. six 600 watt lights gives you about 2,500 lumens per square foot. eight 1000 watt lights gives...
  14. desertrat

    roots and pots?

    the general rule of thumb is one gallon of pot per foot of plant to keep from getting rootbound.
  15. desertrat

    light problems

    you can order higher wattage cfl bulbs online
  16. desertrat

    Ideas for simple indoor set up for outdoor grow?

    yeah, you'll need to do a little more for a stealth grow. ventilation and odor control are both important. there are lots of grow journals on this site that show how to build or buy a stealth unit.
  17. desertrat

    grow tent. how many plants

    the general rule of thumb for maximum yield is that many small plants produce more bud than a few large plants in the same space over the same period of time. that's why people use sog.
  18. desertrat

    Mini Fridge Grow Box....NEED HELP W/ Ventilation

    one obvious(?) tip would be to put the exhaust at the top and the input at the bottom of the fridge. i've used ona gel for two years and can testify it does the job well.
  19. desertrat

    sale at local store.. shud i get it?

    a 150 watt hps has about 16,000 lumens which is really good for two square ft and is adequate up to 4 square ft.
  20. desertrat

    Ideas for simple indoor set up for outdoor grow?

    no need for anything fancy. germinate your seeds in a wet paper towel, place each germinated seed in its own small containter (like 1 quart) and place under a couple of cfl bulbs in cheap fixtures.