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  1. H

    Wats the best estacy u have taken

    White bunnies, naked ladies
  2. H

    Orange molly crystal?

    That is posibly ink\
  3. H

    Orange molly crystal?

    Naw, I used to have a online supplier who had orange crystal molly, I never used it, but was assured of the quality 100x.
  4. H

    Wats the best estacy u have taken

    The only time this guy had real molly was when he got a blowjob in jail LOL
  5. H

    Wats the best estacy u have taken

    Depends where you live.
  6. H

    suboxone value

    idk, I have a tolerance and I love suboxone more than any other opiate. It's affinity the the k-opiod receptor is so high (such as salvia divornium) which is why it gives me great insights and relief! It's like a dissociative/opiate/weirdthing
  7. H

    DOC - Dimethoxy-bodyloadless

    The one thing I HATE about phenethylamines is that while tryptamines feel relatively benign in my body, phenethylamines (such as 2ce, mescaline, etc.) give me horrible bodyload sometimes along with nausea. I can take the nausea, but not the anxious body load, and at THE DOSES you guys know I...
  8. H

    Rc Help For Those That Are New To The World of Research

    Yeah, yesterday. Didn't see the DPT thread?
  9. H UEI platinum

    Extracts work well if you know the vendor. UEI is powerful shit. 2g and your fucked
  10. H UEI platinum

    Also bought 100g of 15x
  11. H UEI platinum

    Ive bought from deepjungle, great place, and great people. Loved their kratom and prices, but they dont have the heavy extracts unfortunately.
  12. H UEI platinum

    UEI is always expensive, bet the dont have UEI much cheaper, I like for my kratom to be intense with less material consumed. It's made with 250x extract strong shit. 1-2g equals a whole ounce BTW they also send me a huge sample pack of enhanced bali which is more expensive than regular as its...
  13. H UEI platinum

    It helps me anxiety tremendously, I finally feel normal. I can't live without it sadly.. Try to do as little as possible, w/ds suck dick
  14. H UEI platinum

    I ordered from them, I can't fucking wait for it to get here. 15g of UEI platinum, I should be fucked on 2g, most people say 1.5g is enough. It cost me 90, plus the fed exed it overnight for free! I cant WAIT to get this in 6 and a half hours.. I am seriously jonesing. I love opiates so much...
  15. H

    Im on lsd and dx m

    Im thinking of doing dxm + dpt Intramuscularly injected, what ya think?
  16. H

    Dipropyltryptamine - Hoping to meet God

    SO MANY COLORS, it fucking looked like I was inside a kaleidoscope. This shit isnt euphoric without some sort of sedative/cannabis lol. GREAT with cannabis. Uncomfortable without. So intense. Insane geometric patters that are impossible blowing up from reality wtf
  17. H

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I agree, and I better have something to do about it.. No I will!