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  1. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Sounds great =) The pics should represent their product but I know they fudge them up to make sales. To be fair I had a few strain look very close to pictures, like BC God Bud and most of the Moxie strains I ran. I is silly to use BS pictures but what I'm looking at is structure. I should be...
  2. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Few strains from ethos I'd like to try: Forum cut cookies, Mandarin Cookies, Temple of the Dawg and I have Inzane in the Membrane already. After that I have a few strains I'd like to see more about: Banana Hammock (for the color only haha), Zsweety Inzanity (feel like this was part of Inzane...
  3. Budies 101

    Quantum Boards or COBS?

    I use half the power, easily... I start my LED PCB builds at around 120 watts and slowly raise them over 2 months, ending around 280 or so watts and it out grows my nanolux. That is my experience, that does not make it fact and I realize that. To me, HPS is garbage and anyone growing with them...
  4. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    Too bad, if you needed more lights I'd simply build you some... But getting the PCB's I can't buy 1 at a time without the cost being retarded.
  5. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    Should be solid =)
  6. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    I don't smoke. I just started using edibles for sleep and I hate it. At 37 years old I never used any drugs and for myself, I clearly can tell a huge difference in my ability to hold a conversation and even play sports but I just sleep so poorly that I use marijuana for that and that only. If...
  7. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    This is simply not a debate I care to have, but if you can get 2% THC more just by adding UV then everyone would have done it... Consider, at 20% THC adding 2% THC is a 10% difference, meaning there is a cheap and incredibly easy thing to add for INCREDIBLE gains in THC levels. 2% is starting...
  8. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    So you have grown the Inzane in the membrane as well? I like a lot of what I see from Ethos but my only draw was to Rainmaker, IITM, Zsweet Inzanity and the Mandarin cookies. His names for the Inzanity line is retarded, I'll prolly re name if I get a keeper and sell. These names don't even hint...
  9. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    What strain is this? The mix of genetics sounds like Inzane in the membrane but you mentioned "Zsweet Inzanity." I have 6 seeds of Izane in the Membrane on the way but finding info about the strain is very hard haha. Plants look great btw!
  10. Budies 101

    Ethos Seeds

    That's why I make a mom, make a clone and run that first to sex plants. Or... I make clones, once they root I flower the mom because that's faster. If I get herm I'll know in a month or less and that's how long I would have vegged clones.
  11. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    Depends, what starin are your seeds? My lights take about 10 min to build, I assume it's about the same with QB's. Main thing is you need to make sure to hook it up right to the driver when doing more than 1 board. They will have instructions I'm sure that should make it super easy pants.
  12. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    One day I might try adding the UV but that's a long ways off if I'm being honest.
  13. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    Rky, when I built my PCB lights I thought they would do well... When i finished my first grow with 4 of my PCB lights over a 5/10 area VS my 1k Nanolux it was clear that my LED were better... Side by side, at the same time... But that was my experiences, that does not make it fact of the world...
  14. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    I'll let them do the work haha. I'm really happy with the lights I build but my goal was to create a work horse light that is simple. On/Off and adjustable on watts is all I want. Again I doubt anyone is going to grow better bud than me based on different lights, it will be because they are a...
  15. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    IMO if you have the money...
  16. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    I don't know if I remember this right but I believe GrowMouse did a sup of UV with his lights and found that there was no difference and that his old CXA cob build is still his "workhorse" lights that out produced "better" builds. I love numbers and one thing you notice is the big numbers VS...
  17. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    I agree, anyone making claims that weed is higher THC under CMH, HPS, LED or anything else is looking at one grow that went well and comparing it to a different grow that didn't go as well. I grow with LED PCB builds I did myself, and I have grown with Nanolux DE's. Both grow about the same as...
  18. Budies 101

    320w QB or 315 CMH

    I don't have QB as I built my own and personally like my design better for my space. I built a 360 watt PCB possible build that I usually start around 120watts in flower then slowly move up and only until the last 2-3 weeks am above 250 watts to 300 watts. I have 4 of these lights and they cover...
  19. Budies 101

    Digital Potentiometer for LED lights?

    Gonna have to find a write up on how to wire it haha.
  20. Budies 101

    Digital Potentiometer for LED lights?

    You're amazing, thanks!