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  1. BeaverHuntr

    Costa Rica Garden Show!

    Thats nuts dude.
  2. BeaverHuntr

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I did on my grow last year, this last grow ( chopping tonight ) I didint though.. Drip clean is good shit, I never flush between feedings or get build up on my drip lines and I never have to worry about PH lock out... You want yield?? Go with AN you want connoisseur status ?? Go with House and...
  3. BeaverHuntr

    Costa Rica Garden Show!

    Those bushes are trimmed with just a machete ?? Damnn! The Mexican landscapers here aint got shit on those Costa Rican boys!
  4. BeaverHuntr

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I too use their whole line up minus the Nitrogen Boost... The Amino treatment is too fucking expensive, I like it and all but are any of you H&G users cutting the dosage in half or are you using it as the nutrient calculator says?? I love the stuff but I dont like buying the 70.00 bottles, I...
  5. BeaverHuntr

    fucking police keep coming to my house.

    Of course she was pissed the lady runs a business and the fuzz is fucking with her income... I would have told her " fix this shit before I tell the next potential renter after me the shenanigans I have to put up with renting a home from you"
  6. BeaverHuntr

    Wood cats taking my doritos locos taco supremes

    Relax Dirty Harry!
  7. BeaverHuntr

    Need some pro advice on House and Garden and Foxfarm

    I use it all.. I always use algen extract in Veg, it's pretty much Norwegian Sea Kelp so you can compare it to Floralicious Plus without the Norwegian . Roots Excelurator is kick ass and their new Amino Treatment is the shit!!! The only product I dont use is House and Garden's " Nitrogen...
  8. BeaverHuntr

    Need some pro advice on House and Garden and Foxfarm

    I been running House and Garden Coco for a couple years and I cant seem to leave it. I love it it's simple and clean.. I do use all of their additives too.
  9. BeaverHuntr

    Tapwater in Mesa *noob here*

    Not only that but every hydroponic nutrient company tests their products using R/O water @ 0 PPM.. You can get deionized R/O systems ( 4 stage R/O systems) to get you 0 PPM. So if you follow nutrient calculators or the manufacturers directions remember that they ran their tests with 0 ppm water.
  10. BeaverHuntr


    Fuck yes! I live in AZ and I would never put a seedling or cutting out in the summer sun. Seedlings are babies in the plant world and they need to be treated that way.
  11. BeaverHuntr


    I live in Phoenix and it looks like to me your seedling is dying.. The summer sun was probably too much for that seedling combined with the 105+ temperature and the dry summer air.. Seedlings and cuttings dont need a lot of light and too much will kill them. They need to be in a humidity dome...
  12. BeaverHuntr

    Preferred Grow Shops in the Valley

    They are all pretty loud I have one by hydro farm, can fan and Max fan... They all make the same loud noise. You can get a muffler online and I think Home Grown sellls the Fresh Filter and Fresh filter makes a muffler to quiet it down.
  13. BeaverHuntr

    Growing without a hydro shop

    Go to the grow store lots of people who dont grow cannabis go to them. Alot of people grow hydroponics for food, chefs love to fruits and vegetables from hydroponic growers... If you are this paranoid I wouldnt even grow.
  14. BeaverHuntr

    az med grow 1000 watt scrog update day 3 flower

    Yeah man looks nice you did a great job.. How long do you flush for? Why 7 weeks? I'm chopping Wednesday myself.
  15. BeaverHuntr

    Water Softener Help

    I agree I dont even put salt in my water softener anymore.. It really didnt do shit for me it made my skin softer getting out the shower, oh and you use less soap and shampoo one tiny drop of shampoo with water softener made a ton of suds.
  16. BeaverHuntr

    Water Softener Help

    Good question!!! I been running my stealth 100 R/O system for a couple years and my house came with a water softener system so I knew R/O was a must.. Even put a kitchen R/O faucet on the sink and the ppm on the plain R/O water is at like 30 ppm..So yeah you should be fine.
  17. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone try Reserva Privada Purple OG #18 yet?

    Any OG that has SFV cut in it will stretch, I liked OG #18 when I grew it.. Good luck
  18. BeaverHuntr

    To all the fellow hopefulls.... Another possible wrench

    Putting a dispensary in Sun City...... I see what he did there.
  19. BeaverHuntr

    Preferred Grow Shops in the Valley

    I love Home Grown... All the shops here in AZ are pretty much the same they all sell the same shit and the prices are competitive the only difference is Home grown may carry this and that other store may not carry it or vice versa.. Hell I shop at like 4 different stores.