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  1. khm916

    I need some help on harvesting

    i have no clue you need to keep it cool under 80 f thats if you dont want weed that smells like hay
  2. khm916

    Leaf Curling under help please (Pictures)

    the leaf curl wont go away but your new leave will be oh just keep watering with plain water till you see straight leaves
  3. khm916

    Hermie Plant and Seeds

    they do have a product called reverse that stops seed growth
  4. khm916

    Leaf Curling under help please (Pictures)

    ph is in range how is it lock out
  5. khm916

    Veg Nutes and Bloom nutes

    i used fox farm for this run but next time im going to run organic with subcools supersoil
  6. khm916

    Leaf Curling under help please (Pictures)

    i would say over fert in the nitrogen department
  7. khm916

    ---------Does Water Temp Matter - Indoor Soil---------

    i just let my water sit out to get to room temp...are you in soil or hydro im in soil
  8. khm916

    What is a FIM

    theres a button called search do that before you make a new post..not ment as an insult but as a learning process
  9. khm916

    Serious germination and seedling issues.

    i like to start my seeds in a starter soil that has little to no ferts in it
  10. khm916


    boy ....did pic three have pistils and balls that what it looks like
  11. khm916

    Do I have a male???

    i agree get better pics
  12. khm916

    Serious germination and seedling issues.

    ocean forest is hot dont use on seedlings
  13. khm916

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    fix the pics then this can be stickied again
  14. khm916

    Whats the best soil mix i can mix up for my first grow????

    subcools Super Soil search it
  15. khm916

    Would it hurt the plant if you

    it might stress it a little but its not too bad
  16. khm916


    do you under stand how small preflowers would be right now if any we need a super close up pic to the node
  17. khm916

    Nute Burn is a MYTH ! What Nute BURN !

    when i started from seed my plants were much more sensitive to ferts then my friends gdp i had to start at 1/4 and just now 9 weeks in flower have i got up to full strength
  18. khm916

    How good are plants for?

    once you see new grow and anylonger depending on how much you want to harvest
  19. khm916

    Male or Female??

    male i think ...thats an autoflower right?
  20. khm916

    quick questions about Ballast wattage and bulbs

    unless you want to risk your ballast i wouldnt try it