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  1. somebody1701

    Sad Droopy Leafs Help (over water/under water or nute def)

    I'm confused by your LED 26 inches above which should be fine but you also have a CFL 4 inches above the plants? That sounds way too close to me but I don't use CFL. Just based on the pics, I'd say you've over fertilized and over watered.
  2. somebody1701

    Rapid yellowing, help?

    For almost 9 weeks into flower, those look pretty good to me. Looks like you could go another 2-3 weeks with all those white pistols. Maybe a flush?
  3. somebody1701

    Yellowing followed by necrosis

    Are you sure the roots are healthy? Since your organic, I wouldn't expect any sort of root rot, but that's what it looks like to me. Maybe a root-based pest?
  4. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Here you can see why it's tedious to work on these: Here I've bypassed the bad LED: Here's the light back in action: Thanks all for the input. Looks like I won't be buying a new light after all.
  5. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Based on what I read in those articles, it's hard to imagine that little thing will do much. I've always know the BS's don't draw 240. I bought one of those meters too. Here are my week 9 canopies from my last HID grow versus my first LED. Apologies on the crappy image quality in that first...
  6. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Interesting. If that's the case, then I haven't had any UVB since I switched to all LED (unless the A51s put it out) and I can't say that I've missed it. I do see a couple of articles stating that UVB can improve THC production by 28%. But you can still find articles stating that cholesterol...
  7. somebody1701

    Is it ready?? Wit titty pics!!

    Yes, they are ready. Mostly cloudy with a few amber and the plants look done. Nice buds!
  8. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars Bands: 6 Band, Red: 630, 660nm, Blue: 425nm, Infrared: 730nm, Ultraviolet: 380nm, White: 12000k
  9. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Mine absolutely has UV. Whether it does anything, who knows. But like I said, I was running HID for years and all LED (2 BSs and 2 A51s interleaved) produces more and better bud. I'm not guessing, I'm comparing dry weight and potency. By HID, I meant I was running two bulbs, MH in veg and...
  10. somebody1701

    Still trying to sex this one

    That first picture looks like balls to me. But it so blurry that it could be little stems erupting. The second picture looks female, but again, it's blurry and I can't tell if that's the little leafy cover thing or the actual pistol.
  11. somebody1701

    Do these look ready?

    I agree, you have a ways to go. Aside from getting too many amber trichs (which you really need to check with a scope), the longer you go in flower the better and more bud you'll have.
  12. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    I was reluctant to switch away from HID but I was moving and considering off-grid solar at my new place (I ended up running grid power) so I decided to try a pure LED grow before I moved and it blew me away. The only difference for me was more and better bud. The ironic thing for me is that...
  13. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    I've wondered about that. The BS's I have have a couple of UV monos and are heavy red and blue. The A51s are all white. I don't think the buds could get much better. I was using 1000w HID before I went to all LED and the LED produces much better bud. It's not even close. Maybe I'll just...
  14. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    I'm considering the Northern Photon 180CXB $379 versus the Tasty T2-2100 $360. Anyone have any last-minute advice? They both look great.
  15. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Can anyone comment on the shipping package from any of these guys. One thing I loved about A51 was that it was "aquarium" lighting. I guess "Tasty" isn't a dead giveaway, but anything that says "grow light" isn't exactly what I want the FedEx/UPS guy seeing.
  16. somebody1701

    Replacing 5 Year Old Blackstars

    Thanks for the info. I let you know what I do when I order.
  17. somebody1701

    A little trichome help?

    I always harvest when I start to see about 10% amber trichs and everything else is cloudy. This typcially happens for me (with a 50/50 strain) around 9-10 weeks after the flip. Most of the pistols are brown and shrivelled but there are some buds with secondary pistil growth coming in that are...
  18. somebody1701

    Fast and vast @8 weeks. Trim back the canopy or not??

    No, you can chop the main colas and leave the rest of the plant under the lights as long as you want based on my experience. I typically trim my plants in two stages. Get all the big bud on all the plants and then go back and finish them all.
  19. somebody1701

    how can i tell if my plant is male early in grow

    Years ago I cloned a male in flower. Even under 18/6, it kept producing pollen for weeks.
  20. somebody1701

    Lights are burning the plants

    You can buy spools of plastic covered wire (like garbage ties) at Home Depot that has inumerable uses in the grow room, including keeping those supercropped stems bent over.