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  1. ImTheFireMan

    The truth about shwag??

    you are right. altho not all schwag comes from mex. some comes from cali as well as other areas. schwag is just weed that is tended to in mass quantity, compressed and bricked up for distribution. there is a chance that a seed from shwag(aka bagseed) will get you good weed, most likely it...
  2. ImTheFireMan

    weak ass stems.

    necessary evil. when the stems break because the nugs are so fat haha i try to catch them beforehand and string them up. i also have a fan on the babies from day one. this tends to help.
  3. ImTheFireMan

    OH CRAP! I Think I am a Lesbian

    a dike trapped in a mans body lol i'm a lesbian, i dont fuck with no dudes.
  4. ImTheFireMan

    Obama vs The People

    makes perfect sense
  5. ImTheFireMan

    Obama vs The People

    well the money is still in rotation. it just used to come more frequently. ya man i'll loan you a dollar, you dont even have to pay me back.
  6. ImTheFireMan

    Obama vs The People

    oh ya you're right, that didnt really come to mind at the time of my post.... but my point still stands, they all lie. i just meant the economy was right when bill clinton was in office. i had so much money then.
  7. ImTheFireMan

    Obama vs The People

    ya this all could be true, but if it wasnt obama it would be whoever was in office instead of him. everyones a politician. they all lie to win their turn in office. then lie some more once in office. thats just how it works. bill clinton was the only honest one. blowjobs n all.
  8. ImTheFireMan

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    well this totally depends on the kind of strain you are looking for. but there is nothing wrong with keeping one or a couple of your existing clones as a mother. thats what i do. i havent introduced any seeds to my rooms just because i want to ensure females and dont want to take the time to...
  9. ImTheFireMan

    Purple Pheno?

    i actually think its pheno. i've never grown the bubba but i have had it in the past and seen purps on some of the nugs
  10. ImTheFireMan

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    another thing i forgot to mention, with co2, if you ever come across any pests or insects, you crank it to 1500ppm for about 2 or 3 minutes and your bugs will die. someone said 20+ plants is too much for a noobie. if you're confident in your research than do it. the only thing that will...
  11. ImTheFireMan

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    co2 is good. its how your babes turn the light into usable energy. you want to use it during 12/12 for the most part. for vegging i like to spray sparkling water on the babes in the day. if you decide to use the c02 you will want to run your co2 lines kinda high. like the top of the canopy...
  12. ImTheFireMan

    i didnt even read that whole post, but i like that we both agreed on tupac, it made me smile

    i didnt even read that whole post, but i like that we both agreed on tupac, it made me smile
  13. ImTheFireMan

    Tupac or biggie???

    tupac, west coast is the best coast bitches
  14. ImTheFireMan

    Obama vs The People

    i smell bullshit, i'm with tical916
  15. ImTheFireMan

    Whites N Blacks

    the way you started writing this i really thought you were about to lace me with some knowledge. i already knew all that tho. from 7th grade
  16. ImTheFireMan

    Toking to p90X

    p90x is dope. its a little hard for me to follow the eating habits since i'm an avid fast food eater, but ive done it in the past and this is by far one of the best work out routines, period. i usually smoke after. but lately i've been more into 20-40 mile bike rides and i usually smoke...
  17. ImTheFireMan

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    sometimes, i trick my girlfriend and act like i'm gonna cum, but really i just start givin her a golden shower i cum skittles, taste the rainbow ...but i would NEVER piss on my plants.
  18. ImTheFireMan

    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    maybe you should stop with the nutes for a week or two and use PH'd water til they gt better
  19. ImTheFireMan

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    good one lmao you guys can piss on your plants all you want, but thats just bad karma... bongsmilie
  20. ImTheFireMan

    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    Self Diagnose Your Plants - Marijuana Growing