Now youre getting it. It's more complex than that. I understand it very well. Hitler got away for awhile, but other people's suffering karma interferes eventually.
I can get it down to 7 right now, thats about it for a sheet. As I said I will be spreading VIALS around, if you agree to do the same only.. For free or cheap. I am trying to spread the use of lsd anyway I can.
I know I shouldnt be talking about this openly, but I dont give a flying fuck. Spread the love. Soon I'll send all you guys 100 hits for free ( a vial) I am seriously going to be making millions in a bit, im not joking I like living on the edge.
Fucking do it.. please. Where are you getting from? You can send me a link.. Just checking if the prices are better, I used to have a place for 90 for 150..
I like you tenner. I am huge into quantum physics, which is why I know this is a fact. I am just a bit out of it for detailed scientific info, but I read stephen hawking daily lol.