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  1. H

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    My sheets are gonna have 200 mics per hit at least. I dont fuck around and neither do my products..
  2. H

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I need to start supplying America again! And also making millions of dollars sounds good to me too ;)
  3. H

    Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.

    Me too. Never came across it. "nexus" A reason it's the only illegal one. It's fucking raw euphoria I heard. Sounds fucking raw lol
  4. H

    Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.

    They fucking are.. 65 dollars for 30 1mg pills..
  5. H

    My big problem with LSD !

    We're actually part of a super secret cult. We brainwash people into believing in karma for some sick personal gain. It feels like LSD to us.
  6. H

    Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.

    Of for fuck yeah.. I wish I had some right now.. Seriously. It would be the perfect end. I AM ordering some right now lol
  7. H

    Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.

    Its not a joke. It was fucking like heaven. Only thing similar on the market now is etizolam which is legal, AND ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BENZO ANALOG EVER!! It is so euphoric, I misjudged their strength cause I guess benzo tolerance doesnt equal etizolam tolerance, I guess cause its more like a...
  8. H

    Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.

    Maybe I'll attempt something then.. Sounds like these are very relaxing, which is odd for a stimulant with no heart rate increase.
  9. H

    DMT pKa question

    lol, my friend took off with my kilo of mimosa, he was gonna help me extract it. Maybe the money was too much for him? idc if he needs it whatever, I have money right now lol
  10. H

    My big problem with LSD !

    I'm Buddhist, I base my beliefs on it. I know it exists. It happens to me everyday.
  11. H

    TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol

    Trust me it happened this time.. Mostly cause I mixed it with a stimulant.. Horrible bodyload.. still have it. I need to drink it. I thought my brain was going to melt lol
  12. H

    My big problem with LSD !

    I agree 10+
  13. H

    My big problem with LSD !

    It's a general energy you collect. You attract certain kinds of experiences because the kind of person you are, your mind bends the universe that way. I understand if you don't understand. it, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because bad things happen to good people or vice versa doesn't mean...
  14. H

    TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol

    Its really not potent, and is acutally sedating and euphoric. In my opinion it is awesome as fuck. I need to get some.. I can.. I might.. This is all peaking my interest for crazy ass drugs to try.
  15. H


    Idk I never heard of her before today She seems to have some cool videos on her site.
  16. H

    Want to try some .... so bad!

    Dude that polish vendor is legit. I order from them all the time. I just tripped nuts off of 4acodmt from them and DOI. You peaked my interest.. Maybe Ill order a liter of GBL too lol Never done it. Have done 2methyl2butanol from them and other places, great stuff, isnt as powerful as ghb...
  17. H

    Methylone and a peaking song

    Yeah I would hope so. Icdid it in 4 different doses. Start at 200.
  18. H

    TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol

    Depends on set and setting and your ability to handle those kinds of things. It is a potent and serious psychedelic and people will say high doses of it remind them of DMT visuals. No joke. It is the most visual substance ever
  19. H

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I am investing in 100,000 hits of crystal...