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  1. D

    Need help from either a Botantist or Horticulturist ( as no one else has answer )

    I am growing Carmelicious plants outdoors. They have been in the ground since mid-April, and were started indoors for a month before going out. When they were first transplanted the colder night temps caused them to flower prematurely. On the bright side this allowed me to remove males, and all...
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    how do i grow shrooms? how do i make acid? and ye :D

    Here is a simple way to isolate ergot mold. Did it once, but the instructions I had warned that the unadulterated ergot mold is so extremely potent that a drop the size of a marijuana seed could get 22 people high, so I chickened out when it came time to try it. Take a loaf of black rye bread...
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    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    A suggestion regarding your lost leaves. When I cure my plants, I put all leaf materials in a plastic tote with a lid. These don't seal completely, but should still be opened occasionally while drying is taking place. Tote also makes it easy to tumble the leaves to prevent wet spots from...
  4. D

    Crazy party cup grow- have some questions.

    I would start plants on either 18/6 or 20/4. This will give you more ability to dictate when you want plants to begin budding when you reduce cycle to 12/12. As all plants need darkness to produce carbohydrates, I am not in favor of 24 hour light cycles, but thats just me. As to lights, I use...
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    Never have seen this before, could it be reaction to high winds?

    I till around my plants weekly to break up the soil
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    Never have seen this before, could it be reaction to high winds?

    I am growing some Carmelicious plants outdoors in Colorado. They have been out for a little more than a month at this time, and had a full month from seed under lights prior to transplanting out. To date the plants have had to contend with some very high winds, and a couple of saturating rains...
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    Israeli Occupation my ass!!!!

    WOW dude, I didn't realize when I made my first post that you were the love child of Beck and Limbaugh. Talk about uninformed. I suggest that you do some research somewhere other than FOX archives. Or you could try listening to BBC or NPR, as they report on many of Israel's atrocities which main...
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    Israeli Occupation my ass!!!!

    As I am sure you know, right here in the good ol' USA, we have fanatics of the religious, fundamentalist type ( mostly living in trailers ) who feel the solution is to just nuke anyone that ain't a god fearing whitey and let god sort em out. I do note that, like most right wingers, you fail to...
  9. D

    anyone growin outside in utah?

    Haven't experienced the annoying Mormon aspect, but I grow next door in Colorado, and other than a few climate related concerns, it's not really all that hard.
  10. D

    Never saw this before, any ideas?

    OK, so we all have watched, as plants mature, that the leaves start with three fingers, go on to five, seven, nine, etc. I have a plant growing outdoors which has really taken off in the last week, but all the new growth has only three fingers per leaf. The plant looks amazingly healthy...
  11. D

    LED Grow part II

    For those who missed first edition, I am doing my first indoor grow of Carmelicious plants under 2-120W LED panels. Plants had a slow start due to my lights being a full month late in delivery, so first month from seed was under crappy little aquarium light. Plants now ( six additional weeks...
  12. D

    When Will USA Fall?

    To get back to the premise I suggested in my original post. America is in no fear of failing as we have enough private wealth that could be accessed to pay down our debt. Just like when Wal mart wants a chunk of some farmers property to put up a new store. They take their argument to county...
  13. D

    cloning question

    I don't have pictures, because I expect that my question will be answerable without pics. I know I'm a noob to this indoor stuff, and this is my first try at cloning. I am growing Carmelicious, and I took five clones from my plants. All five are doing well in that they have visible roots, and...
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    I'm guessing there might still be some backward ass states that consider seeds the same as marijuana, but even in those states possession and the legal ramifications are based on weight. As your seeds undoubtedly weigh minute percentages of a gram, the penalties should be rather insignificant...
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    clear slime in res?

    Just to throw this out there, as I honestly have no idea why this happens, but it could just be a property of your water. I live in Southeast Colorado, and much of our water is from wells. I have lived in quite a few places here, where the water seems to just naturally turn to slime when exposed...
  16. D

    Advice please...first indoor grow

    My advice, if you can truly only handle only one plant, is to start them all, and then choose the healthiest looking plant, and find some covert outdoor locale for growing the rest. Bagseed doesn't mean squat, other than that quality may be questionable, unless your bagseed is from some primo...
  17. D

    New And Improved Summer 2010 Grow-Off! (Northern Hemisphere)

    OK I'm in Here are some pics of my outdoor grow. As I have the luxury of being able to, my plants are in the ground. I dug a hole 10'X10' and 2 feet deep ( by hand, is that dedication? ) refilled hole with alternating layers of straw, sand, chicken manure, compost, and soil, I tilled the mixture...
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    anyone want to discuss ph testers?

    I have a cheapo company called Hold All makes it, cost me all of $15, and always reads water the same ( unless I've added something ). This model also has moisture gauge and light meter.
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    First Outdoor Grow. growing problem?

    I think that second sprout is the root. Did you just lay the seed on the soil and sprinkle on dirt? If seed starts laying on it side and barely covered root could do that.
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    White spots on Blueberry

    I know I read what this is somewhere, but can't find the post a second time. I have this lovely little Blueberry, grown from seed, and I just noticed tiny little white spots along the edges of its leaves. Could have sworn this was a deficiency of some sort, but I can't think what. I have a pic...