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  1. D

    Wood ash?

    ashes are a great source of nitrogen, but there is a serious consideration if your soil is already alkaline. Ashes can make it very difficult to adjust Ph down as they continue to release alkali into the soil.
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    Compost Tea

    Yep good ol' brer rabbit or grandma's ( both available at walmart ) works great. You want the unsulphered as even unsulphered has a lot of sulphur, and too much can seriously increase acidity of soil.
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    Shit Tea!

    Oh yeah one more thing, you can massively increase N percentages if you pee in your tea. Research it you'll see. One pee to three gallons is a safe amount.
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    Shit Tea!

    I've never made straight shit tea before, I use compost and duck manure to make my teas, and from what I have read properly brewed teas should lose the vile odor and begin to just smell kind of earthy( that is what mine does ). This takes two or three days of bubbling, strain out heavy matter...
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    Single leaves - Pics - please help

    I have a similar plant, which was cold shocked early in life, and check out this mutant monster now.
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    Starting from seed outside...

    Biggest fear with seedlings outdoors will be keeping them moist until they have a chance to grow some deep roots, otherwise you should be fine.
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    Cloning question

    I have heard of air layering, but have not as yet tried it. Perhaps I will.
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    When did RIU turn into d-bag central?

    Doing great here, and I have to agree with your comment. As I have the unmitigated nerve to grow organically, use LEDs as primary light source for indoor growing, and make my own compost teas ( which include urine ) rather than line some manufacturers pocket, I have caught much flak from those...
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    How to get RID of spider mites!

    Critters to eat other critters is a great way to go, plus I would be concerned, especially if your plants are flowering, about using any potentially toxic chemicals on something that will be ingested by humans. Another organic technique is a simple mixture of plain old dishsoap and water sprayed...
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    Cloning question

    I am still new to many aspects of indoor growing, and am interested to know if clones can be taken off of outdoor plants? Just concerned that clones used to sun light might behave adversely under artificial light. Any thought on this?
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    Hey guys, can someone answer a question real quick?>

    female plants, approaching the end of their life will occasionally throw off a few male flowers in a last ditch effort to reproduce. There is an up side and a down side to this. First of all, seeds will be unable to develop if harvest is only a week away, but if your friend allows bud to stay on...
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    Check out this monster

    Yes LOL I am 260, and falling, weigh myself once a week am down from 285
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    Check out this monster

    This is one plant which still has almost three months still to go. And this is another of the same plant ( Carmelicious ) grown from seed and same conditions. I am in picture as a size reference. I am 6'1" and 260 lbs. So, can't wait to hear what people think of my monster plant. It is...
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    is there a way to flower outdoor plants early?

    The tarp guy has failed to consider certain unavoidable facts. If you place plants under a dark tarp, in direct sunlight, you have just created a solar oven which will crispy your plants like no bodies business. If you're wanting to avoid detection, then I agree with the tie them down guy. Be...
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    What would be similar legal grow?

    Yeah I would say you are overly paranoid. Simply conversing about the joys of growing your own veggies indoor free from hormones and frankenfood genetic engineering, and appearing passionate about the subject should be all the smoke screen you need. As cowboy said they are in business of selling...
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    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfficiency and progress are ours once more, now that we have the neutron bomb. It's quick and clean and really gets things done..... So why don't we KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL THE POOR KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL THE POOR KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL THE POOR TONIGHT.
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    Is flowering a quick process outside? When does a plant begin to flower outdoors ?

    Yesterday was the longest day of the year today will be minutely less daylight. As the sun's light cycle decreases your plants will sense the impending fall and begin to flower. Outdoor growing takes a lot longer than indoor, but you should see yields as much as ten times greater than any indoor...
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    As today is the longest day of the year, those of us growing outdoors will see plants begin to flower in two weeks to a month. When growing outdoors you are kind of at the mercy of the sun's cycles and there is nothing wrong with that longer flowering period just means beefier harvest. If you...
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    The mutant lives, thrives, and becomes a monster

    A while back I posted pics of a plant that has become a mutant in that it only grows three fingers per leaf. After consulting an online horticulturist I was informed that hybridized strains of any plant can display mutations do to environmental stresses, and that this should have little if any...
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    The mutant lives, thrives, and becomes a monster

    A while back I posted pics of a plant that has become a mutant in that it only grows three fingers per leaf. After consulting an online horticulturist I was informed that hybridized strains of any plant can display mutations do to environmental stresses, and that this should have little if any...