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  1. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    It's only a matter of time that I plan on meeting my dad there in Vietnam. I am very excited about it ! He died in the An Lao valley in 69 while trying to pull a fellow Seal from under a burning Half Track. I do have his medals, and i want to show them to him when I see him, and let him...
  2. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    Time for another "finder's fee" LOL
  3. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    May be .... but I want to follow in my dad's footsteps exactly ! They handed them out to him when he went on LRRPs way behind enemy lines, and did not sleep for a week straight. Had to stay alert. I have stayed perfectly in his footsteps so far with my quest, and am not willing to side...
  4. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    Yup ..... I definitely did my share of the Rorer 714s ! Ooh .... and the Lemon Ludes too !
  5. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    You guys are right ..... It is going to be VERY hard to complete the mission considering what I now have to try and find .... sigh
  6. Full Circle

    Educate me please .... Why Ketamine while on LSD ?

    Honestly Tenner ? I have spent weeks researching the internet for user's experiences on Ketamine ... and it seems for everyone who just loves it, there is an equal amount of people who claim it was the scariest thing they ever tried. Many have described it saying the now felt they knew what...
  7. Full Circle

    Drugs shrinking your dick...

    Now everyone can just stop worrying about their dick shrinking for goodness sake ! If any of you suffer permanent shrinkage, I can always afford to give away some of mine LOL
  8. Full Circle

    On a mission .... One more to go !!!

    I have been on a missiom for several years to "connect" with my father who I never met. Having read his letters from Vietnam, I decided I wanted to try every drug he had tried during his three tours there. I was down to the last two I have not tried, but just found the particular MJ strain...
  9. Full Circle

    Educate me please .... Why Ketamine while on LSD ?

    Hmm .... controlled intensifier. So can K be taken in small enough doses a person can feel just a bit good, without the couch lock numbing and scary effects ?
  10. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    You bet sir .... any time. I should get a list of my music, where you can pick and choose !
  11. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    Oh man Heir .... You have hit me in the one place it hurts bud ... I have a fully decked out Linn LP12 turntable .... All $16000 worth of it. So I am just too invested in vinyl to be able to help you with that particular format .. sigh. If you ever get interested in a pocket drive with...
  12. Full Circle

    Done Done Done... Fucking done..

    I gave meditatiion a try one time .... and thought I had it down .... until my woman woke me up ! LOL
  13. Full Circle

    Done Done Done... Fucking done..

    Think you are dumb ? Fuck that ! I support you in you choices man ! Every person has to blaze their own way in life. No-one NEEDS drugs to figure out who they are. Sounds like a brave new world for you, and I wish you the very best in it ! Cheers !
  14. Full Circle

    Educate me please .... Why Ketamine while on LSD ?

    I just cleared my PM inbox ... someone ;-)
  15. Full Circle

    Educate me please .... Why Ketamine while on LSD ?

    I have seen quite a few threads where people reference how K makes Lucy so much better. Care to explain and expound ? I consider GOOD acid to be intense as shit as it is ! Quite frankly, having never taken K before, the very thought of that drug scares me to fucking death !!!
  16. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    I have it all stored on 1.5 t pocket drives. Those are velcro'd to the back of my laptop screen, and go with me wherever I go ;-) I have ALL of the hard copies, but I give them to my son who then burns them onto his own storage drives, and then passes them onto my daughter who does the same...
  17. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    Great idea ! Throwing sharp pointy things across the room on acid ! LOL Naw, that is a really good idea. Thanks
  18. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    LOL .... why yes you do puffer ! But on MY system, MP3 files just sound like crap ! I'm afraid I need the WAV quality, thus internet music just does not work for me. But yes .... you win ! LOL
  19. Full Circle

    Drugs shrinking your dick...

    Oh fuck ! Tell me it isn't so !!!! What the hell am I going to when drugs shrink my penis down to a measley 8" ????? Damn, now I am bummed for sure ! LOL
  20. Full Circle

    I am overwhelmed ! A strange conundrum indeed !

    This is a bit embaressing to admit, but I am overwhelmed by my own music collection ! I decided to build a playlist for my planned Friday evening Lucy trip with my lady, and I started looking through my music on my computer. I have 27,683 CDs burned to WAV files on my computer .... and if...