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  1. Mr. Outdoors

    Raidermans Grow

    I am all the way up in cleveland.
  2. Mr. Outdoors

    Should i keep my gorgeous ladies outside???

    If it was me, I would leave them outside. Get you indoor set up dialed in. Then when you are ready to do an indoor grow do it indoors all the way through. You can bring your outdoor plants inside. My reasons are not because that your plants wont do well inside because they will. If you bring...
  3. Mr. Outdoors

    Raidermans Grow

    Sorry to hear that Rdr. Probably wouldnt hear about that up here.
  4. Mr. Outdoors

    Raidermans Grow

    Since the subject is cool cats, here is mine. Sassy 13 year old Ragdoll.
  5. Mr. Outdoors

    need help cleaning

    My first indoor grow I brought my plants from outdoors to inside at the beginning of flower. I had a real bad infestation. Webs everywhere. I took the plants back outside. I use a shop vac and ran it over the floors, walls and ceilings. I set of a bug bomb, waited 24hrs, vacuumed again. I did a...
  6. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Here is a quick peek at the flower room this week...
  7. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    I let them dry. Today was the first day that Ive watered the whole soil. Until now I was using a spray bottle and just watering about a 1 inch circle around the base.
  8. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Fuck, you are more than welcome to post pictures of your girls and or set up here anytime.
  9. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    I run 1000w HPS and 4 induction lights. My room is in the basement. Temp stays a steady 67 degrees. I have a 6 inch in line fan that is vented through the hood of the light, 2 4 inch inline fans on speed controllers that are ducted into the tent. I can keep my temps from 78-85 by adjusting the...
  10. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    These babies seem to be a light green. Do they look ok? I know the soil looks a little wet but I took the pictures minutes after feeding.
  11. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    I gave the babies their first feeding today. Fox Farm Big Bloom at recommended amount for seedlings.
  12. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    I started outdoor growing in 2005. I would buy a couple clones every spring. It was the Jacky White. In 2010 I got my hands GDP clones. So those are the only two strains I have ever ran. I am so stoked to grow these new strains. The posts ^^up there get me REAL STOKED!!!!!! Thanks guys. Its like...
  13. Mr. Outdoors

    should i Prune ?

    Guess I am not understanding Keif. You say there is no need to prune, then the next sentence you say you would prune.????????? Where on that plant do you see anything that will not get sufficient light?
  14. Mr. Outdoors

    should i Prune ?

    There is no need for you to trim anything off of that plant. With the amount of leaves you have on that one I would give it a light shaking every once in a while to help the dead leaves fall off.
  15. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    GDP is the only clones I have going this run. One of those mothers is a Jacky White. Thanks for the heads up on the seedling nuts. Will be making a run to the Hydro store in the morning. Glad there are two stores within 10 miles of me. One of them alot of people on here order from online...
  16. Mr. Outdoors

    should i Prune ?

    Just my opinion... When I do outdoors, I do not prune off any leaves, unless the are completely yellow or dead. There is no better light than the sun. It will give your girls all the light they can use. Take a look at some of the girls in the outdoor forum.
  17. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    My seedlings popped up 7 days ago. When should I think about giving them there first feeding?
  18. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Seeing how things start off slow when the girls are young. Figured I'd throw up some misc. pictures from the room. Here are my 2 mothers. They are both over 2 years old.3 gallon smart pots. 6 feet tall. On the left GDP. On the right is Jacky White.
  19. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Is the CK as good as it looks? Also looks like a good producer.
  20. Mr. Outdoors

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush & Bomb Cherry Bomb grow from seedlings.

    Thats what I'm fucking talkin about. Those look just like my GDP .