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  1. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    maybye your the twat, get some friends loser
  2. bobbyhopefeild

    HELP!my plants turned into a hermie!

    will the overall thc content of the plant go down not becuase of it being pollinated and therefore not sinsimilla anymore but becuase its part male plant and so produce less thc? or will it still produce alot of thc but wont be sinsimilla?
  3. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    yea and this thread is on if girls like loners, but thats not what we are talking about is it.
  4. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    um pretty much yea, you a loser, you might think that being selfish and not relying on anyone is kinda cool and interesting in a Leon hit man kinda way, but in reality its a very sad, wasted existence. and when the police break into your home and the stench of your rotten corpse slaps them in...
  5. bobbyhopefeild

    HELP!my plants turned into a hermie!

    hey all, my idiot bf left a light in the flowering box where i keep my 5ft monster sativa that has now grown balls because of the interupted light cycle my question is this can i continue flowering it as its starting to grow some reli decent bud and i dont want to just throw away months of time...
  6. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    for you maybye but some of us hav normal adult relationships that isnt like a sad teen rom com movie. loser
  7. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    well , maybye you guys are just living in the wrong place , all that savage capatalism, gun laws, excessive crime rates and low social mobility has made everyone turn in cunts. i liv in england and people here are generally pretty good, assholes are few and far between, maybye your 'every man...
  8. bobbyhopefeild

    what do girls think of loners?

    good to know society has moved on from when we used to think women were inferior. you cant just say most girls are 'annoying, shallow, narcicistic and mean' the same as you cant just say 'most black people are stupid' or 'most jews are cunts' , life isnt that fucking simple and your a retard for...
  9. bobbyhopefeild

    Day 51 flowering.....Fan leaves starting to yellow

    that looks like a simple nitrogen deficiency, id advise to add some sulphate of ammonia to the soil and they reli fat but probably another 2 weeks, cant see many brown pistols.
  10. bobbyhopefeild

    Please take a sec and help a noob out, is this nute burn?

    alot of people say to begin nutes with the advent of veg growth, moreover this can be caculated by your fan devoloping 9 finger leaves. you wayyy of, it looks like possible nute burn as your plants shouldnt be affected by toxicities/deficiencies until at least the 4th week of growth. you...
  11. bobbyhopefeild

    1st time growing and its going bad! plz help!

    well im pretty good at identifying plant nutrient problems and id probably be able to sort your out if the NEW ROLLITUP SITE WASNT SO FUCKING SHIT AND I CUD ACTUALLY SEED THE PICS!
  12. bobbyhopefeild

    Using BioCanna and following chart, getting yellow spots all over fan leaves

    two words my friend, downey mildew, its the elephant in this thread no one wants to mention, if its sporadic yellowing, its not nutrient toxicity/deficiency normally
  13. bobbyhopefeild

    Does the amount of watts even matter? From what I understand lumens are important?

    you guys hav completely missed perhaps the most important measure of light for plants ; photosynthetic active radiation or PAR, only some of the spectrum of light is used by plants, during veg plants need blue light for leafy growth, so that 400w hps is only actually giving plants a small...
  14. bobbyhopefeild

    Cabinet Cheese fluorescence grow

    nice work! but why hav you got the plants like a half a metre away from the plants?? light diminishes expotentially and cfl's arent very powerful anyway, you want them within about at least 10cm of the plant and id advise to reflect in some reflectors, it will help loads
  15. bobbyhopefeild

    After planting?

    giv up while your ahead, throw those seeds to the wind and forget about it
  16. bobbyhopefeild

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    ive tested both 24/0 and 18/6 , and concluded that 24/0 is better for those who have lots of cash to spend, dont care about the cost of electricity and are eager to harvest as FAST as possible however , 18/6 is a far better cycle as plants, like every other living organism needs a down period to...
  17. bobbyhopefeild

    previous threads

    yea i can only sometimes access previous posts and even when i do most of the time it doesnt work
  18. bobbyhopefeild

    Help plant in major trouble!

    ITS MOULD!!!! not nutes, they simply wouldnt do that and affect her in that even way,unless you had a ph of 1 or 10 and EVEN THEN it would take at least a week or 2 for that to happen ITS MOULD, ITS MOULD , ITS MOULD!!!!! THATS WHY FLUSHING DIDNT WORK!
  19. bobbyhopefeild

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    thats not true, a wide pot does not equal a wide plant, the shape of the plant depends on strain not how roots grow unless you mean when a plant gets rootbound and grows upwards not outwards, which is it being rootbound, a plant rootbound in a wide but not tall pot will still grow upwards regardless
  20. bobbyhopefeild

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    the roots tend to go down more then to the side, go with the garbage can, i should imagine its probly cheaper too