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  1. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    No, almost ever single overweight person i have met will put down drugs, sex, and someones lifestyle because they fell the need to make people fell inferior to them. "Yea (MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH) marijuana is bad for you (GROBBLE MUCH MUNCH) it can kill you and make you lazy (MAW MAW MMMM MUCH...
  2. Doobie Doober

    DMT extraction help

    Ok so i think i am going to use the Desmanthus illinoensis plant for the extraction, now it says the root bark so does that mean to debark the roots or should i just use the hole root.
  3. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    Well have you noticed how some over weight people put down drugs? An example is my grandmother. When ever i go to visit her she is always putting marijuana down and saying it kills you and turns you into a evil person, while she is eating a big mac or some ice cream. And another thing is they...
  4. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    Never said anything about hate, i am talking about being annoyed on how some try to act like a stereo type guy. And i dont see the point of wearing a dildo all day but i guess that is choice of personal preference. But in no way did i say i hate them. Just some try to hard wich makes it hard to...
  5. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    I hate em, how do you fell about 38 year olds who are high and start threads about what comes in mind?
  6. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    Hey man the strap on thing is from Ellen Degegerious, dont you see her grab that thing all the time? And i have met plenty of lesbos
  7. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    yep ever man goes to a shooting range ever day, shaves there head, doesnt shave there pubes, dont clean there ass,
  8. Doobie Doober

    Want to try dmt

    Hey dudes, well all of a sudden i have been hearing about this "dmt" for some reason i have never herd people talk about it till a few months ago. But anyway id like to here about some trip reports, how to smoke it, harmfull effects, and where i can buy a pipe for it.
  9. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    And they always punch you on the shoulder after your done talking, yea at the end of every sentence i punch someone on the shoulder (PUNCH!)
  10. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    No man, the lesbians you are talking about are bisexuals they screw dudes and girls and let you watch :D
  11. Doobie Doober

    Dude, Don't call me a puss for liking this...

    I watched the puppet masters, attack of the seed people, stephan kings "IT", JU ON, you know, the usual children stuff
  12. Doobie Doober

    What I am Smoking Today!

    WTF, a half ounce blunt? man is cool but it will waste alot of weed cause you can only get so high.
  13. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    I think they are the most annoying things on earth. They try to to to to hard to be a guy. They shave there heads, get tattoos alll over them(not every singe dude has tattoos all over him) they go to the shooting range ever fucking day, they wear strap on dildos all day, yea you know who im...
  14. Doobie Doober

    Need help playing trash and melodic guitar

    Ok, no matter how hard i try i just cant get anything i play to sound like lamb of god, cradle of filth, or cannibal corpse. For some reason i cant do it. What should i do?
  15. Doobie Doober

    don't you fucking hate it

    also, if you have a metal bowl on the bong, it would be a good idea to put a lid on it
  16. Doobie Doober

    don't you fucking hate it

    yea thats true, but if it isnt a bong then you can pick up the dry shit
  17. Doobie Doober

    Weed apperal?

    What is a good cheap website that has shirts with pot leafs and stuff on them?
  18. Doobie Doober

    Should I Get An iPhone 4?

    Ya go ahead, and also get a ibong. My ibong is great, nice reception.
  19. Doobie Doober

    don't you fucking hate it

    I fell for you man, as a stoner that is one of the worst that can happen. Example, my friend had a earth quake and destroyed his apartment and when he told me he said the worst part was his bong broke :(
  20. Doobie Doober

    what if?

    What if i took a piss right now what if my cell phone started ringing what if the moon was gods one ball what if hittler was a fag what if black people where white what if penises where in our mouths what if vagina's where where the ass is and the ass was where the mouth was and the mouth was...