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  1. Doobie Doober

    I just remembered a dream i had a while back

    Some dreams i have fell like they explain the secretes of the universe but when i wake up i cannot remember them. Some dreams i have fell like i lived an entire life in that dream. idk, its pretty wierd how the human mind works
  2. Doobie Doober

    I just remembered a dream i had a while back

    Well i fell the need to document this dream so i can remember it.....but i didn't just have this dream, i kinda remember it from about 6 months ago. But anyway here are the bits and pieces i remember. I was a wolf/ware wolf running threw the forest during a heavy snow storm. I was trying to get...
  3. Doobie Doober

    Why dont i trip anymore?

    Well i have some 6 month old mexican weed sitting here, i just took a uber hit from my mini me bong and im felling pretty ripped now, i need to start growing my own....
  4. Doobie Doober

    Magic Pipe

    Resin is basicly resin hash, sorry im pretty stoned right now, i mean ghetto hash. It taste bad bud gets the job done better, i mean bad. Sorry i guess im extra stoned right now.
  5. Doobie Doober

    Magic Pipe

    what? what does that mean?
  6. Doobie Doober

    Why dont i trip anymore?

    Idk, it was more fun when i was tripping balls at 2 frames per second with my body tingling and my ears fell like there muffled and well idk maybe it is tolerance. But i fell like im high but without the trippy part, i just smoked a bowl and was sitting outside crumbling up leaves for 30 minutes.
  7. Doobie Doober

    Funniest Joke In The World

    There were 3 men and they all died in a car crash and went to hell. When they got there the devil asked them all in turn a question. To he first he said "what was your biggest sin on earth?" and the man replied "Oh man I just love alchol and being drunk...
  8. Doobie Doober

    Need help lubracating clay

    well im going to make a mini bong out of clay/ceramic and i was going to use a lightbulb to make the globe part at the bottom but the clay sticks to it and when i go to remove the clay it all tears apart, and water just makes it stick more. What do i do?
  9. Doobie Doober

    what should i do

    Mann im sober and cant understand what your trying to say lol
  10. Doobie Doober

    Have you ever smoked a menthol joint?

    You can buy crystal menthol off the internet or extract it from the plants that contain it. You could also use the crystal menthol and put it in water to disolve it and use your finger to spread the liquid onto the bottom of the joint like you would with hash oil
  11. Doobie Doober

    Why dont i trip anymore?

    Well for some reason, the past week or so every time i smoke i dont get the trippy alternate reality felling anymore and i dont get those cool tingly sensations any more! What the fuck is wrong with me? Think it might be the shitty weed?
  12. Doobie Doober

    Magic Pipe

    Resin is better then the weed but it taste really bad, i clean my pipe every day. I wish i had a camera to post pics of my pipe and my bong "mini me"
  13. Doobie Doober

    Have you ever smoked a menthol joint?

    Get some crystal menthol and crush it up and sprinkle a really tiny amount onto your joint and it will be good, hmm i wonder if you could smoke dried kyan pepper with weed.......
  14. Doobie Doober

    DMT extraction help

    Hmm i was going to try to find the desmanthus wild and use it for free but how much would the mgrb root cost? Dont wanna spen alot incase i screw up
  15. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    another thing i see is hookers going to church putting down the pot heads, but thats a nother thread for another day :D
  16. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    actually i have seen some of those, they smuggle candy in like its weed or something lol. Couldnt hurt tho. I mean, if i see a fat dude working out, trying to help himself then he is 400% cool in my book. But if i see a fat women walking up the stairs huffin and puffin while holding a bag of...
  17. Doobie Doober

    Other forums & ignorant ppl

    Holy Shit, lol rollitdown, lmao he must be smoking some master kush or something lol. That is pretty dickish but still fucking funny. You guys ever herd of rital-out? When your high on Ritalin you drink some coo laid with aspirin and it is rital-out
  18. Doobie Doober

    How do you fell about lesbians?

    If satin gave you a dick then thats cool, you know we all have our gods and stuff that we trade em. But annnnyway if you have a dick and a VA-GINE-AAAA then you have to pick a side, our you a dude or a chick? See lady gaga has yet to pick her side.
  19. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    Hmmmmm i haven't said that yet but you never know....lmao, well dude this is different, cause i can guarantee you that a fat person would complain about something "wrong" in ones lifestyle but there isnt anything wrong in theirs.
  20. Doobie Doober

    Over weight people put down drugs

    Oh and ive seen some fat people moaning and complaining how "skanky trash skinny people" hate fat people. They hate us but we cannot voice our opinions about something? I am pretty pissed right now, im sorry but ive had it.