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  1. thelastpirate

    Hotter At Night

    Are you just starting this grow? I started one about 3 weeks ago, and kinda sorta plan on the same thing to control temps. My light cycle (when on 12/12) is light from 6 am to 6 pm. I am able to open the windows now during the day and it gets about 80 deg. At night it stays the same right now...
  2. thelastpirate

    My 400W Metal Halide bulb stopped working.

    There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason for it, but my ballasts all take different times to "warm up" and light. And if the power goes out, or a breaker trips, they might well not light up again until they cool off, or resets or whatever it does. I don't panic unless it takes a really long...
  3. thelastpirate

    Need a cannabis Doctor, r u a dr.?

    I might be totally off base here, but I'm not so certain that one should panic at the sight of every curl, brown spot, or misshapen leaf on a seedling until they have at least gotten the first 5 leaf set. 22 out of 24 of the ones I started had "something" wrong with them. Now that they are...
  4. thelastpirate

    Seeds on ebay?

    I can see it now... Dudes in a cell and Bubba asks what he's in for. "I saw an ad on ebay selling seeds, so I bought some" Dude replied. "The fuckin' Cops set me up!!!" Bubba kicks dudes ass for stupidity on general principle. On a serious note, I get bird seed that has hemp seeds in it...
  5. thelastpirate

    Nute question

    Once again OhSo, I thank you. I am alot more prepared this time, yet I still get anxiety if a leaf curls a bit. Does that anxiety ever go away? I wish you could get PMs. I saw that my seedlings had what I am calling a calcium deficiency (Text book case according to pics). I took yours and...
  6. thelastpirate

    Growing two plants with one 400 HPS bulb?

    Not tryin' to hijack this, but when you all say he can get 4 to 6 plants with a 400w, is that SOG, SCROG, or 5 or 6 footers? I'm having a bear of a time trying to figure out how many plants I can reasonably grow in a room with 5 400w lights. I have 5 MH and 5 HPS, so vegging and flowering will...
  7. thelastpirate

    Nute question

    What qualifies as "too hot"? How does one know that a given fert will be OK and not "burn"? There are alot of "cumulatives" in this organic thing. My BioTone is 4-3-3, and the bone meal is 6-9-0 for a total of 10-12-3. The sources of each nute (Blood/bone meal, guano, WC, etc) each are different...
  8. thelastpirate

    Ballasts 4 Less

    I was surfing for some 600w ballasts and found this: High Pressure Sodium HPS HID Ballast Kit : Ballast Kits - Light Bulb Supplies With free shipping on orders $50 or more (Continental US only) these are without a doubt the most inexpensive lighting ballasts I have come across to date. Hope...
  9. thelastpirate

    How long till' amber after you see all creamy???

    Keep us posted!! I'm anxious to see what you find!!!
  10. thelastpirate

    RE: bagseed, is this worth my time??

    Nick, those "bagseed beauties" might just surprise you with how much they'll give you. Don't underestimate them. I got a QP out of the one survivor from my last fiasco. I maltreated it bad, and she was still kind!! (Women of the world take a lesson!!) J/K
  11. thelastpirate

    making homemade nutes?

    Gimme a link. I'd love to see the pics!! Truly wonderful creatures aren't they?
  12. thelastpirate

    Vermicomposting - a thing to consider

    Tried to PM you but it said you're not taking calls. Thanx for the info.
  13. thelastpirate

    Vermicomposting - a thing to consider

    Ohso, Since you're on the "do not call" list, I'll ask ya here. I'm off to Home Depot for some dolomite, and am going to pick up a large Rubbermaid tub & lid. I am gonna put some 2 or 3 in holes in the lid, I just wanna know if I need to put some vent holes in the tub as well? I am going to...
  14. thelastpirate

    making homemade nutes?

    No, they don't! Why on earth would any one try to make whats readily and easily available over the counter? (Sorry, I just couldn't pass up that opportunity!!) Answer- Yes, they do make thier own natural nutes. That's why we are here in the "ORGANICS" aisle. I'm learning about them as...
  15. thelastpirate

    compost tea smells good

    You REALLY gotta ask? I just cleaned alot of fish emulsion off the floor of my grow room. YES, earthy smell is way better than shitty smell, trust me!
  16. thelastpirate

    How do I proceed?

    I'm off to see the lizard. I needed some other shit anyway. 1 tbsp per gal? Got it! Thanx Ganja!! I'll post pics of them transplanted this PM.
  17. thelastpirate

    How do I proceed?

    Thats about par for me. The downside to this "hobby" is that you can't ask anyone's opinion except online anonymously. Anyone who can get a "hands on" education is extremely fortunate. So I take what I read, and try to apply it blind. I'm trying to work up the will and energy to transplant right...
  18. thelastpirate

    How do I proceed?

    GanjaBaby, ya think that's enough nutes in there? Each bucket has 2 cups (more or less) of the BioTone (4-3-3) mixed well into the soil. The soil has no nutes. I guess I'm still trying to "over-engineer" things. That was the main thing that killed off most of my first grow. My normal mindset is...
  19. thelastpirate

    How do I proceed?

    Organik, Thanx for that link to microbe organics. I'm chewing on it now. Thats a good informative read. EWC right now ain't an option. Either the prices are wrong at the nursery, or I just AINT gonna spend THAT kind of money. They want almost $15 for less than a qt. and when the directions...
  20. thelastpirate

    How long till' amber after you see all creamy???

    Yep!! Any longer and you're probably gonna need a tow truck to get up off the couch!! Especially if they look like the picture. It MIGHT be too late for an entirely UP/Energy high.