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  1. cann.i.bliss

    is this root bound

    Dosent look too bad but it would appreciate a bigger pot if you are going to transplant then leave it for another week after transplanting before flowering to let it get past the minor shock it will endure then switch to flowering, you usually get a good growth spurt going into flowering so...
  2. cann.i.bliss

    leaf margins going lighter in colour also tiny yellow spots

    Generally yes but it depends on what your circulation is like too, could also be completely wrong but if you do a bit of research on heat stress and look at some pictures you may see some similaritys
  3. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Haha hell yeah its some nasty shit I tried to make some capisum out of it doesn't turn out quite pure tho I don't think but even still farrrrrrk me!! Haha that will defiantly take care of em!! Sounds like you got it all going on dude!! Bit of a green thumb :-)
  4. cann.i.bliss

    Stealing Electricity — suicide or ....?

    Like for all they know you could be growing tomatoes in them :-)
  5. cann.i.bliss

    Stealing Electricity — suicide or ....?

    That's is a very good point you make there just remember hydroponic systems are not illegal just growing drugs in them is lol I can't imagine they can just go searching your tents without some kind of probable cause tho?? Different laws in each country I guess
  6. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Neem oil is a naturally derived pesticide its from the seed of the neem tree its completly safe to use on your plants just not on a hot day as it can possibly burn, haha no don't go spraying chilli on your plants lol!! Is your ghost chill the Bhut jolika?? Iv grown them before and Trinidad...
  7. cann.i.bliss

    Will this be enough light to veg?

    I keep my mothers in veg under 2 38watt fluros, one coolwhite one warm white keep them closer to the centres of the tubes, they do fine so no doubt your set up will be ample
  8. cann.i.bliss

    leaf margins going lighter in colour also tiny yellow spots

    The fact th leaves are curling up on the edges like that tells me it must be some heat stress I know it can also cause yellowing not sure about the yellow margins tho, someone else may like to chime in but my bet is heat stress
  9. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Eggs are generally impenetrable you will have to wait till they hatch to kill them, if they arnt on your plant you can burn about the only thing that will kill an egg
  10. cann.i.bliss

    leaf margins going lighter in colour also tiny yellow spots

    Could be wrong but looks a little like heat stress, how close r your lights and how is the air circulation?
  11. cann.i.bliss

    How much should I trim before flower?

    As above it has already been proven that it increases bud size on lower nodes, but it all depends on your strains too but I wouldent strip all shade leaves just some to let more light in to lower bud sites but as stated above plenty of research has been done on it and growers that have 3decades...
  12. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Yeah they are sap sucking insects so they will suck all the chlorophyll and sugers out of the leaf then the effected area will yellow or grey and die it shouldn't kill the leaf enless extremely severe, leaf won't recover but will continue to collect light for you once you get some newer growth...
  13. cann.i.bliss

    22 years for pot possion a little much dont u think

    Well Yeh 'prepping' has become popular and we will need drug dealers after the apocalypse, but Yeh totally right it is a ridiculous sentence considering the severity of other chemically produced drugs now weed just dosent seem so bad but guess they have gotta make an example of someone, for...
  14. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Little shits well I'm sure either way your oil will work as long as contact is made hope it clears up and they leave your plants alone!!
  15. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Really? They look suspiciously like red spider mite especially if they are making small webs may be a similar insect?
  16. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Also if they are outdoors try not to spray on a hot day or at the hottest part of the day early morning or late afternoon is best, you can use a systematic spray to nuke them but your plant will asorbe it so wouldent recommend it
  17. cann.i.bliss

    Are these mites?

    Yes they appear to be red spider mites, neem oil will work but be aware it is a contact spray meaning you have to make contact with the insect to kill it advantage is that it won't be absorbed by the plant just make sure you get a good coverage
  18. cann.i.bliss

    How much should I trim before flower?

    Ok here is some reading for you from another grower if you must insist on arguing the point Defoliation in this thread is: The removal of leaf, by hand, to be rid of shading of any other buds, nodes, or growth in crowded situations. This could be called a substitute to the removal of lower...
  19. cann.i.bliss

    Favorite Stoner Movie

    Half baked, Friday trilogy, jay and silent bob strike back, cheech n chong up in smoke/nice dreams
  20. cann.i.bliss


    Has defiantly always been around more in some country's like America then others but it has exploded lately