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  1. kricket53

    Hash oil from ONLY stems

    thats mad cool but i'm not sure if i want to save all of the stems.
  2. kricket53

    Call of duty people..

    my gamertags kricket53 but it just expired and i'm not sure if i'm renewing.
  3. kricket53

    My weed tastes like mint

    most likely when it's mint, its mids, because in mexico, they package the weed with spearmint so that the mint will overpower the weed smell.
  4. kricket53

    alright im ready to grow weed...almost..

    yes. it is a plan. but i have it all figured out. i'm growing 4 herbs- catnip, spearmint, basil, and marijuana. all of them will be in my backyard, i'll have like 10 of all of them, but only 3 weed plants. they'll be lowryder #2, fast harvest, short in length, hard to notice. that my friend...
  5. kricket53

    alright im ready to grow weed...almost..

    yeah but i dont feel like going up a ladder to water them all the time haha.
  6. kricket53

    Favorite Movie when Stoned???

    i watched donnie darko sober..scared the shit outta me..
  7. kricket53

    Bud Flavor - Does it exist?

    roors are the best bongs you can buy. just ask michael phelps.
  8. kricket53

    Trippy pics and drawings + (Smokeshots)

    yeah i'm growin some.
  9. kricket53

    Am I becoming a drug addict?

    hahhahahahhaha i love that movie
  10. kricket53

    My Veggie Garden

    ohh i'm growing cantaloupe!
  11. kricket53

    Good songs to get blazed to!

    i like a few of his songs, but i just never really got into it.
  12. kricket53

    used for smoke

    since your on that island, can you grow year round?
  13. kricket53

    Favourite Game

    yeah mines still in my closet, along with my ps1
  14. kricket53

    2.5 grams

    yeah same here. i'm so sick of paying for overpriced crap. i'm planting some lowryder #1 that i'm getting from attitude.
  15. kricket53

    Good songs to get blazed to!

    okey dokey
  16. kricket53

    Eating Weed Raw

    no just smoke it haha
  17. kricket53

    What's everyone been up to?

    my piece is glass on glass. i just took the picture when i was cleaning the slide
  18. kricket53

    Any Good Non-Marijuana Herbs That I Can Grow?

  19. kricket53

    does attitude ever selll dead seeds?

    you know, like duds? what are the chances of them selling me a lowrider #1 seed that won't grow? if they do sell duds, then how many seeds should i buy? help a newb out, will ya?:-?
  20. kricket53

    So What's Your Favorite Smoking Device???

    nice bong :D