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  1. cannofbliss

    ok wots going on

    well its got mex sativa in it and if you got a highly sativa dominant pheno then it could take even up to 13-14 wks... but you need to determine based on trichs... then overall look of plant like hairs, receding... like johnnyomegabuds said... ;) and unless your impatient... new bud growth is...
  2. cannofbliss

    How do you become a mod ?

    you guys are on a roll today with this back and forth hilarious shit... making me LOL with your convos :) the im so high thread and now this one LOL you guys should start a thread with this kinda stuff... be really funny...
  3. cannofbliss

    The Im so high thread

    hahaa lol kush and db... on the "e-blunt" conversation ;)
  4. cannofbliss

    Is this top normal or a mutaton?

    hahaa... LOL we can start callin them "manning tops" hahaha :p
  5. cannofbliss

    Is this top normal or a mutaton?

    if that top bud is CHUNK full of white hairs and calyxes then thats a really damn good "mutation"... hope you have a clone of that plant to keep those fat bud genetics to continue... ;)
  6. cannofbliss

    Confirm sex please?

    much better than having a wiener... LOL ;)
  7. cannofbliss

    Need help with my Female in arizona

    well yeah if little white hairs, so if she is getting 12 hours of darkness each night then yeah it'll flower, but as the days get longer it might and probably will revegitate... as in revert back to growing leaves and grow bigger vs. growing flowers... no u dont have to dry it out silly just...
  8. cannofbliss

    Why Morals are Subjective and not objectivly rooted in God

    dont forget the fucked up story of "jephtah"... just ask a religious person why it is okay to kill your own daughter... or the whole "wonderful" genocidal "escapades" of aaron... too... and they'll do so many fucking apologetic acrobatshit flips in its justification... it'll make you wanna...
  9. cannofbliss

    Need help with my Female in arizona

    your best option is to keep them in breathable soil mixed with about 20-30 % perlite... cause it looks like you got that barky and heavy soil and most plants like cannabis dont do well in it... and your gonna have to keep them cool... with shade... imo... i wouldnt try and flower them during...
  10. cannofbliss

    Need help with my Female in arizona

    lol i think every suburb in az has like that same rocks and brick wall in their backyards lol just sayin ;) you'll have to keep them shaded and to be honest dude its gonna be way too hot for them in summer especially in the az valley ;)
  11. cannofbliss

    8 mg DILAUDID

    hey scroglodyte... ;) i know this perfect place to suit your needs and for the song lyrics your signature has to have your dreams come true... ;) the great southern land... well a little bit further southern... tasmania... ;)
  12. cannofbliss

    8 mg DILAUDID

    just throwin this out there.... pills suck... imo... stick to poppies... as you still can get just as high as "synthetics"... but this way... your liver and kidneys will thank you for it too... ;)
  13. cannofbliss

    Is it safe to harvest?

    wtf^^^^ dont listen to irieie... probably a joke or sarcastic but if serious then seriously... wtf??? anyways... they are looking fine manishwayz... keep it up and enjoy the grow... ;)
  14. cannofbliss

    Is Death the End?

    wanna hear as well... and sincerely interested... so.... this person had a memory and???
  15. cannofbliss

    "The Illusion of Control"

    lol yeah definitely... i just wanted to make sure that the context was clear ;) you know... to make sure that the whole "flat earth" type stigma of archaic belief systems werent "strengthened" by the whole "sunrise" thing etc LOL... ;)
  16. cannofbliss

    How to seriously kill spidermites for good, for lazy people, armageddon style.

    yes this is a good way for controlling spidermites... any neem oil and the combination of the likes... although, just for shits and giggles... generation after generation of genetic adaptation has allowed for many spidermites to become "immune" and resistant to these methods... so imo if you...
  17. cannofbliss

    New Obama ad

    cant +rep u deprave but tried to... you brought up two very good points this one being the later about kids use... ;) again like i said earlier in addition to your points... to abandon... just look at how drug use went down in the netherlands... just follow their example as it has been...
  18. cannofbliss

    Something for the CRAZIES!

    here we go again... something tells me the chief likes to argue for the sake of argument... just spewing out random "enticements to the "atheist crowd" and it seems overwhelmingly apparent that chief is using their ridiculous thread creations or posts to bait them to argue pointlessly... just...
  19. cannofbliss

    New Obama ad

    exactly... just look at the countries which have changed and decriminalized drugs and or didnt go after them or really enforce them like they do in the us... their crime rates went down and so did drug use INCLUDING harder drugs such as heroin etc...
  20. cannofbliss

    "The Illusion of Control"

    i know what you are trying to say there and i agree with the allegorical pretense you have... however... with warmest regards... the sun does no such thing... ;) the earth rotates period.