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  1. beachgreens

    !!!Please Help!!!!!!

    Anyone else have help. I need to water tonight but i am not sure what to give them.....??????
  2. beachgreens

    Advice with Flora Nova Gro/ Bloom????????????

    Hey nice signature!!
  3. beachgreens

    !!!Please Help!!!!!!

    Who is AskEd?? I searched all the members and found no onen by that name...
  4. beachgreens

    !!!Please Help!!!!!!

    Is it too late to get some more buds before harvesting? They are in week 5... how do i get them outta lockout???
  5. beachgreens

    !!!Please Help!!!!!!

    Im in a soiless mix. Readygro from botanicare its 60% coir 40% perilite. Im not sure of my ph in my soil but i hand water my plants and usually ph my solution around 6.3 or so. The pots are full of roots and seems like ever since i let the soil dry out a bit i started having issues.
  6. beachgreens

    !!!Please Help!!!!!!

    Plants are in week 5 of flower and the plant has completely stopped growth. The lower buds are more dense than the main stem, and the hairs are @ 50%. They have been stunted in the same state for about two weeks and have just got worse. This morning i woke up and a few fan leaves were laying on...
  7. beachgreens

    Advice with Flora Nova Gro/ Bloom????????????

    20 views and no answers. This shit must suck!!!
  8. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    anyone else have suggestons????
  9. beachgreens

    PH adjustment question

    Usually you will see changes in about a week and you should see changes in the new growth at the top of the plant..imo
  10. beachgreens

    PH adjustment question

    Hard to say exactly but if you are in soil most soils only contain enough fert for four weeks. sounds like those plants need food. You dont really need to be concerned about your ph as much because most soils contain a ph buffer which will stabilize your ph. Just be sure to ph your solution @...
  11. beachgreens

    Purplish Mould in the centre of Buds??

    I agree no foliar during flower. Not only can it cause mold but also ruin the taste of your flowers..come out tastin like fert.
  12. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    Well i never had this issue in soil. If this helps any im growing them in 1.75 gal pots and watering with food every other day. The plants are about 30in tall, overall life of the plant is 8 weeks. Anyhow if you have any thoughts ill be here troubleshootin. Thanks for the quick reply
  13. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    400 hps and the strain is "supergirl" she is a feminized indica.
  14. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    Also i had changed my normal feeding and also gave her some deuce deuce which made my formula 3-4-10. Since that feeding i have went back on the same feeding schedule as before. formula is now 3-4-6
  15. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    All she has had is phosporus. I am using Botanicare Pro Blend 25mL a gallon. In hydroponics, what should a plant look like at 4 weeks of flowering as far as density?
  16. beachgreens

    Blue leaves and have stopped gromwing!!!!

    Plants are in week 4 of flowering. They were doing great but now have turned darker and almost blue. The buds have stopped forming on the main stock but have continued slow growth on the rest of the plants. Also the main stock has a few red hairs already. I have been feeding Botanicare nutes...
  17. beachgreens

    Hey i need some advice using flora nova nutes. can u help me out im strapped for cash and this...

    Hey i need some advice using flora nova nutes. can u help me out im strapped for cash and this is all the nutes i got for now? I have the grow formula and the bloom. Do i go by the bottle? Im using r/o
  18. beachgreens

    Advice with Flora Nova Gro/ Bloom????????????

    I have got two bottle sittin wanna given it a shot and advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy Growing!!
  19. beachgreens

    Formula ?

    Anyone??? The formula's on the front of the bottle"s of our nutrients
  20. beachgreens

    Fertilizer Newbie

    Anytime!! Good luck. Let me know if ya need a feed chart i can send ya the link> Happy Growing!!