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  1. Weedoozie

    Older smokers vs younger

    Thanks for the quick response! I'm guessing my Earth Juice line is doing the job whole milk can do :)
  2. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)

    Thank you! I'm getting antsy...!
  3. Weedoozie

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    DING DING DING, YOU ARE CORRECT! hehehe Frank Zappa and his "Broken Hearts are for Assholes" song :lol:
  4. Weedoozie

    Older smokers vs younger

    huh, I haven't heard that about the milk before. What kind of milk, if you don't mind me asking?
  5. Weedoozie

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    LOL airsoft shotty??
  6. Weedoozie

    Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow

    Yeah dude, these California coastal regions have this issue I got the same problem I think, found some bud rot on G.G's clone. It's so sad having to remove all this nasty gunk...the plant just looks sad, like it's equivalent to hair fell out or something afterward :cry:
  7. Weedoozie

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey fdd2blk, hope you're well I realized it may be difficult to guess the right ETD for the plants when taking pictures using the sun as light so I'm posting some pictures of my Big Blue female I took last night as the sun was setting using flash to get a better idea of what stage the plants are...
  8. Weedoozie

    Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)

    If you have many small plants that only produce 1 cola, you have space for more colas than if you have say 5 large plants. Plus, it creates an easy even canopy and it may also be easier to inspect each plant fully without a lot of foliage getting in the way. At least that is what I get from this...
  9. Weedoozie

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Awesome grow fdd2blk, you are truly gifted
  10. Weedoozie

    What to do with extra soil?

    Ocean forest is made with more ocean nutrients including kelp/fish meal, seabird guano, and fish emulsions where as happy frog is made with more land nutrients such as feather meal, fish meal, bat guano, and humic acid, a naturally occurring organic material that is formed when organic matter...
  11. Weedoozie

    California Outdoor Purple Kush,Cheese,BlackBerry, Casey Jones grow

    WOW, that's a lot of nice buds growing there! Good work +rep
  12. Weedoozie

    What to do with extra soil?

    1st of all, why are you yelling? 2nd of all, I don't think you're going to want to grow anything you may eat with MG makes things taste bad IMO. 3rdly, I'd try to return those 12 bags and get the $$$ back and invest in some better, organic soil like Root's or Happy Frog if you want to...
  13. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)

    Got some more pictures of the plants on what was technically last night, this time with flash so to better see the maturing of the buds :mrgreen: here they are...I'm so happy they're starting to look like real, big buds :grin: Enjoy!
  14. Weedoozie

    My Outdoor Medicine :) 5 strains

    HOLY BALLS, CONGRATULATIONS! That's quite a large harvest man, great job +rep
  15. Weedoozie

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    "Don't fool yourself girl, Its going right up your poop-chute [when you're married]"
  16. Weedoozie

    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    Lol yes I could do that but I'd prefer not to have to chase the greenhouse across my hillside that's visible for the entire town from the main road That already happened to me once lol silly me put up the original greenhouse without strapping it down securely enough and a windy storm blew that...
  17. Weedoozie

    I'm having trouble finding a thread with a grow in the garage, most people have cabinets for...

    I'm having trouble finding a thread with a grow in the garage, most people have cabinets for their grows, or tents set up in various places, including garages I'd look up how to build a grow cab and just set it up in the garage. That way you can still use your garage for other stuff and have...
  18. Weedoozie

    Plants going to seed

    Oh and if I were you, I'd inform the so called "expert" he's smearing around some dookie in the place of knowledge and that he should be ashamed to be giving out bad advice. But that's just me