Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)


Well-Known Member
OK! So here we go again.. (round 2) last december i started a single cola grow journal but had some problems and had to tear down shop.. I since then made some improvements and am ready to try again.. I am a veteran grower and a snobb when it comes to smoking.. So i insist on growing the absolute best.
With that said.
let me tell you all about my limited growspace. I am growing in a space 4x8x5.5high, I am running 3 dimmable 600-1000w lumiteks, 2 parabolic hoods and one air cooled, 1 6" inline for exhaust and a small 4" computer fan for intake(pot likes negative preasure and also helps with pest control), i have a dehmidifier that i will keep at 50 for the first 4 weeks and then 35% the last few weeks(for way more resin production), RO system for water cause i am growing hydro and my water is strait booboo where i live, supernatural nutes and i will be using a 3x6 flood and drain table that will have serve as home for 98 lovely single cola purple ladies. Also on the side you will get to see my old queens that i dicided to flower along with her offspring.. all steps have been taken to prevent pests. dog has been banned from basement, its a go!!
Tomorrow after work i will be transplanting the first "49ers" well rooted clones into there new home for the next 7-9 weeks.. For a medium i filled my tray with rockwool mini cubes and covered with plastic to keep out the light. Right now them girls are only 4" tall but will be put under 12/12 right now. But, i expect them to grow to about 18" when done and yield aprrox. 1/2oz per plant? (hopes and dreams)of some quality buds with vary little trimming.. Ok so here are some pics of my first atempt.


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right on guys this is gonna be "exciting". as i said i tried this once, would have worked fine im sure but i only had 1 1000w on a light mover.. now with these new dimmable ballasts it should be way better. gonna be my first time working with them.
this is nice man, this is exactly what i want to do when i can get enough cuttings going.. and if i fail then i guess i will be buying a shit load of autogrowers but that is highly doubtful.. i just need to set everything up the right way so i appreciate u following my thread and giving advice. right now i need to get a ventilation system setup and a shit load of mylar... can u go back into my thread, i asked about how a ventilation system works exactly so i can try to figure something out. where i live its getting pretty cold out so im wondering about using that window still.. with a 1000watt HPS and a 400watt MH in the same room, along with my computer running/stereo, cloneing area etc. im still somehow able to keep it around the perfect temp. and i also use an air purifier.. best i can do right now.
this is nice man, this is exactly what i want to do when i can get enough cuttings going.. and if i fail then i guess i will be buying a shit load of autogrowers but that is highly doubtful.. i just need to set everything up the right way so i appreciate u following my thread and giving advice. right now i need to get a ventilation system setup and a shit load of mylar... can u go back into my thread, i asked about how a ventilation system works exactly so i can try to figure something out. where i live its getting pretty cold out so im wondering about using that window still.. with a 1000watt HPS and a 400watt MH in the same room, along with my computer running/stereo, cloneing area etc. im still somehow able to keep it around the perfect temp. and i also use an air purifier.. best i can do right now.
Dude! for sure man add me as a friend and if you ever need any help let me know.. i like helping others just as much as i help myself.. also i will check out your thread later and give you some tips based on your drawing..

Well folks i just got home and im about to go transplant the first 49 ladies befor the 49ers woop some saints ass. if i hurry pics will be up b4 the game.. peace yall ttyl
Ok yall so here we go..DAY 1 of flower for 49 4" clones and 4 queens that i decided to flower since i started many more moms from seed 3 months ago.. alright so in the first 2 pics i thought i would start by showing you my ventalation system. i boxed in my wondow in my basement and ran a 6" duct to each room, in pic 3&4 you can see my ballast's,controls and my RO system, pic 5 are my primary and secondary 40gal res, and here is were it gets good pic 6&7 are my (4) 18 month old queens b4 and after i raped them of there young.. they have been so good to me in the past i cant wait till they flower, pics 8&9 are of my veg and clone room, pic 10 is home to my (10) young mom's that i grew and trained from seed. this room is eventually gonna be my second flower room as soon as i figure what 3 strains i want to keep.. and last but not least pics 11&12 are of my new and improved flower room compair the 3 dimmable lumitek's to the 1 standard 1000w on a light mover.. as you can see i am somewhat of a DIY kinda guy.. hommer (home depot) helped me save with almost all the material i needed.. i will try to post new pics weekly so you all can see how things are comming along. Peace everyone
Ok yall so here we go..DAY 1 of flower for 49 4" clones and 4 queens that i decided to flower since i started many more moms from seed 3 months ago.. alright so in the first 2 pics i thought i would start by showing you my ventalation system. i boxed in my wondow in my basement and ran a 6" duct to each room, in pic 3&4 you can see my ballast's,controls and my RO system, pic 5 are my primary and secondary 40gal res, and here is were it gets good pic 6&7 are my (4) 18 month old queens b4 and after i raped them of there young.. they have been so good to me in the past i cant wait till they flower, pics 8&9 are of my veg and clone room, pic 10 is home to my (10) young mom's that i grew and trained from seed. this room is eventually gonna be my second flower room as soon as i figure what 3 strains i want to keep.. and last but not least pics 11&12 are of my new and improved flower room compair the 3 dimmable lumitek's to the 1 standard 1000w on a light mover.. as you can see i am somewhat of a DIY kinda guy.. hommer (home depot) helped me save with almost all the material i needed.. i will try to post new pics weekly so you all can see how things are comming along. Peace everyone

DAMN YO that is a fine set up! I think this grow will turn out quite well :)
right on for the input Weedoozie, I think everyone can grow sweet magical meds if they plan there space right and keep the grow rooms sealed and "CLEAN".. im totally looking foreward to seeing your grow as well.
question everyone! has anyone ever tried this method and if so I want some opinions as to how and when you trim your lower branches, if you do at all? And also a general ? for everyone bieng that small what do you think my yeild per plant will be? (under optimal conditions)
Will someone explain to me the signifigance of one cola ?

If you have many small plants that only produce 1 cola, you have space for more colas than if you have say 5 large plants. Plus, it creates an easy even canopy and it may also be easier to inspect each plant fully without a lot of foliage getting in the way. At least that is what I get from this set up and other sea of green (or SOG) set ups