Search results

  1. Humple

    QB132’s (x15) in a 4x4... 1050w LED light platform

    I don't know, man... For indoor-grown bud, $1/gram would make commercial growing unviable.
  2. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    How are you thinking of powering them? Eight boards in a 2x4 would be a tight fit, but if you run them soft, you would have great coverage and efficiency. I certainly wouldn't max out that many boards in that size space, though.Waaaaay too much! My fixtures are both 3000k, and they veg and...
  3. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    No, I use QB120s. Two 4xQB120 fixtures, each powered in series by an HLG-240H-C2100A, at just over 60w per board, for 250+ watts per unit. Edit: I built these lights before the QB132 was released. For my tents (two, each 31"x31"), the 120s give me more than enough power, but if I had a 3x3, I'd...
  4. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I hear ya', but honestly, I'm not likely to check a datasheet every time I post, just in case they've updated it. Good on ya' for the heads-up though. Now I'm off to see if they've up-rated the 132 as well...
  5. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    So it does! Interesting. HLG used to list them at a max of 60w per board, without heatsinks (back when I bought mine). I don't see that driver listed though? I'd still go for the 132s though - same price, more diodes, higher capacity.
  6. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    That's pushing the QB120s a bit more than HLG intended. I'd opt for a 4-pack of QB132s with an HLG-320H-36A.
  7. Humple

    Anyone doing over 3lb / 4x4 using LED's?

    You mean 1,200 grams wet, right? Because 1,200 grams dry would be 6 grams per watt.
  8. Humple

    Samsung LED strip build having concerns. Wattage dropping

    ^^^^ This. I wouldn't even approach 400w.
  9. Humple

    QB132’s (x15) in a 4x4... 1050w LED light platform

    Per some radio DJ, I once heard that the US average is 5.1". So you can let the ladies know you're better than average! Assuming Cali follows the rest of the nation? Okay, enough about dicks. What are you growing under the 132s?
  10. Humple

    QB132’s (x15) in a 4x4... 1050w LED light platform

    Well, that puts you above the national average (if you're in the US).
  11. Humple

    LED grow from start to finish

    Awesome run, man. Especially that PP x GG4 - looking very sexy!
  12. Humple

    The New Majestic12 LED

    All trash-talk and drama aside, will you answer this serious question: do YOU think this light is worth $1,400?
  13. Humple

    QB324 grow

    Yeah, the fact that they don't need heatsinks makes them both wallet-friendly and simple to build. A cheap and easy entry into DIY lighting. And I like the greater spread/lower diode-density - I can slam these boards right on top of the plants with no ill effects.
  14. Humple

    QB324 grow

    No, I run them in 31"x31" tents. For a 4x4, you'd want 8 boards and 2 drivers.
  15. Humple

    QB324 grow

    There are many ways to skin this cat, but four QB120s powered by an HLG-240H-C2100A is a pretty sweet setup (if I do say so myself!). I have two of these fixtures, in for around $220 each, at 250+ wall-watts per unit.
  16. Humple

    QB324 grow

    Yodaweed will cling to his fantasy till the bitter end. Science refutes his willfull ignorance, but the force of confirmation bias is strong with him.
  17. Humple

    The New Majestic12 LED

    Just put this silly kid on ignore and let him talk to himself, folks.
  18. Humple

    Oh, snap! Look what showed up last night!!!

    Ahh... Gotcha. Looks good!
  19. Humple

    Oh, snap! Look what showed up last night!!!

    Did you mean 32"x24"? Because 32"x14" is more like 80 watts per square foot - unless my math is broken today.