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  1. Humple

    My DIY 4xQB120 Flowering Light

    Just recently harvested Tent 1. It was a great run until I had a dehumidifier issue and lost a good portion of the harvest to budrot! Got that shit sorted and looking forward to moving the next batch of plants in from the veg space as soon as the last of the good stuff is done drying and out of...
  2. Humple

    My DIY 4xQB120 Flowering Light

    I can't recall the name of the meter that I've seen recommended here most often, but I know @Randomblame has suggested a $15 eBay meter a few times (perhaps he can provide a link?). Alternatively, Amazon has a wide selection at various price points. Some have detachable sensors for more...
  3. Humple

    My DIY 4xQB120 Flowering Light

    Honestly, I would take some time with it and map it out with a cheap lux meter. If I had to give an answer on the spot, my inclination would be two boards in the center and three on each side, as close to equidistant as possible, but it's entirely possible that there's a better layout. Would it...
  4. Humple

    Height/Power to canopy for Samsung Led’s

    What size is your space?
  5. Humple

    Upgrade to cmh or cob

    That isn't correct. Plenty of peeps 'round these parts have left DE behind, precisely because they can get the same yield with lower power. Have a look at the following threads for starters:
  6. Humple

    36xLuminus CXM22 CRI90 or 16xSamsung LM301B Quantum Boards

    Well I would just think of that as a different area of efficiency. If the environment isn't right, it doesn't matter how efficient the lights are. By adding the DE to up the temps and stabilize the environment, you're simply ensuring that your plants can make the best use of the light that's...
  7. Humple

    Solskin Simulation 4x4 vs Actualisation

    If the real-world numbers match the simulation, I'm going to be very impressed. That would be downright amazing uniformity. But I would also question how much light is lost to the walls... Looking forward to the test!
  8. Humple

    Upgrade to cmh or cob

    There's a very real learning curve when moving from HID to LED. Poke around the threads here, and you'll see ample evidence that a properly dialed-in LED grow will yield every bit as well as HID, at 60-75% of the wattage. But this requires that the environment and nutritional inputs be adjusted...
  9. Humple

    36xLuminus CXM22 CRI90 or 16xSamsung LM301B Quantum Boards

    No offense, but a single anecdotal observation isn't sufficient to persuade me that the benefits of an even - and evenly lit - canopy are overstated here on RiU. Consider that the fundamental principles which make scrog such a popular method for big yields in indoor spaces are those of...
  10. Humple

    36xLuminus CXM22 CRI90 or 16xSamsung LM301B Quantum Boards

    PPFD at the canopy is PPFD at the canopy, whether you get there by COBs, boards, or strips. And uniformity of appropriate PPFD across that canopy is what maximizes yield in a given space. I see no inherent superiority in running fewer high-powered COBs, as to achieve reasonable uniformity, you...
  11. Humple

    Upgrade to cmh or cob

    OP, if you genuinely need the heat, and there isn't a way to efficiently supplement it, you're probably better off with CMH. That said, with the CMH, you may find that you have to supplement cooling during the summer, and if the ongoing cost of bulb replacement is going to cost more - in the...
  12. Humple

    Upgrade to cmh or cob

    So you were running HPS and LED together? What LEDs were you using?
  13. Humple

    36xLuminus CXM22 CRI90 or 16xSamsung LM301B Quantum Boards

    By what metric do you measure intensity? Efficiency is why LED users are laughing at the HPS community.
  14. Humple

    Anyone doing over 3lb / 4x4 using LED's?

    I have never once thought about the comparative ease/difficulty of installing one or the other. Nor have I wished I could make use of the space in the air around the light. But if those are genuine concerns for you, that's valid for you. Just doesn't apply across the board!
  15. Humple

    QB324 grow

    @Prawn Connery I'm curious why you chose not to space the boards further apart?
  16. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Ahh... I see it now. How odd. HLG has some work to do on their site! But shit, at that price, I start to get ideas...
  17. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Just checked. It's $139 for one QB324 with one heatsink. Cheapest QB288 package is $99 for two boards/heatsinks, but only in 5000k; next cheapest is two 4000k boards with heatsinks, for $145. If you want 3000k, the cheapest I can find is a boards/heatsinks combo for $165. Still, the 324 is quite...
  18. Humple

    Major increase in kwh possibly caused by smart meter?

    In many places, no, you can't switch. Many states allow energy monopolies. That's how it is here in Michigan.
  19. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Budget light? I thought the 324 cost more than the 304 and 288?
  20. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Why on the fence regarding dimming? That's one of LED's big advantages over HID - use only as much power as you need at a given time.