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  1. HydroScience

    DIY airstones that never need replacing

    General Hydroponics 728040 Dual Diaphram Air Pump - 320 GPH It does a great job and has been chugging along for almost 4 years now.
  2. HydroScience

    DIY airstones that never need replacing

    These last forever, are easy to make, and you can get everything at Lowe's. These are made from 3/4"ID clear vinyl tubing, 3/4"-3/4" nipple to join the hose, 3/16"-3/16" barbed nipple for connecting air hose, aquarium safe silicone, and a bag of garden pea gravel. Cut to length, fill with...
  3. HydroScience

    I wrote some awesome (IMHO) journaling software and want to give it away...

    :-( screenshots and documentation found in this PDF. It was in the original post.
  4. HydroScience

    I wrote some awesome (IMHO) journaling software and want to give it away...

    I wrote a journaling (documenting, analyzing, charting, and reporting) software package and want to give it away for you lovely people to use for FREE. Would it be acceptable to list it within this forum? and if so, on what board? Here's links to the documentation with screen shots, and the...
  5. HydroScience

    I have a hydro system... Now what?

    the answer with CFLs is always "MORE!". On a price-point suggestion, my tip would be to buy as many 42 Watt (actual, 105 relative I think) CFLs as you have sockets for. If you have more money than sockets, I would get the big 65 watters from Lowe's/HomeDepot. For an actual number, I would say at...
  6. HydroScience

    NFT or CAP EBB and Grow?

    I've had good luck with NFT, but look at incorporating redundant pumps as a failsafe against failure. It's also a good idea in Ebb/Flow, but you have a bit of a fail-buffer with E&F.
  7. HydroScience

    DWC in 3" net pots

    3" pots will work just fine, but plan on offering them some support. Taller plants tend to want to fall over in 3" nets.
  8. HydroScience

    Drip Hydro System

    Typically 3 times during light-on hours with the last watering about an hour before lights out. What is your mixture like? (PPM, pH)
  9. HydroScience

    HydroScience here, at your disposal!

    Hiya Ernst! The program, HydroThis, is mostly aimed at hydroponic analysis but could probably be used for a number of purposes. I'm going to release it for free (full version free) so check it out if you're inclined. Awesome on the C programmer! I stopped hard coding in the late 90's and...
  10. HydroScience

    HydroScience here, at your disposal!

    Hi guys/gals! This is my first post here, but I've been doing RD&A (research development analysis) hydroponics for almost a decade now (well, just 3 months shy of a decade). One of my best friends told me about this site and said I should share as much here as I have with him and the others...