I see a faint line in all test locations, and ANY faint line corresponds with negative, no matter how faint. I think i see one under the TCA line. It might be extremely faint. Even though you are on them, perhaps the levels in your urine are below the amount detected. A faint line with no color...
You certainly could have burst some blood vessels, but you probably got vomit in your eyes. The acid from your puke could have eaten away at the surface of your eyeball, causing irritation and redness. You say your eye is crusted over when you wake up, which means you have some sort of...
I'm not completely certain of every step in the process, but overall, anti psychotics (not antidepressants like SSRIs, SNRIs) block the effects of dopamine in certain parts of the brain. How this correlates to abruptly stopping the trip, I am not entirely sure, but antipsychotics are used to...
As a matter of fact, it will matter. Your serotonin receptors have down regulated as a result of the increased amount of serotonin within your synapses, and the increase in serotonin that is released from the nerves in your brain will not have as much of an effect on you. That isn't to say you...
Is it a kratom extract or just powdered/shredded leaf? There are several Kratom threads here, probably on the 2nd or 3rd page of the HS section. Just search this section for "kratom" and you will find info on strength on dose of several different strains.
I just watched the hallucinogen episode. I too am skeptical about that cop's story. Perhaps some other chemicals used in the synthesis of LSD got into the guy's system, leaving him impaired. But hey, I'm biased :)
2cb is one of my favorite substances for concerts. It's half way between tripping and rolling, and just a very smooth, comfortable substance. While I've never tried, I'm sure 2cb would go great with a finger dip or two of molly to up the intensity a bit. 2cb is one of those drugs where you wish...
Green malay lasts a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if kratom were to be scheduled, but I don't think that it is too popular. It is certainly less popular than those herbal relaxation drinks, shots, and edibles. I'm referring to the country over all. Now if more people knew about kratom, then...
I tried some mdai from a vendor that once stocked pure mdai, and the new batch was a pathetic excuse for any sort of drug. At best it was 30%, mostly caffeine I think.
The sand was fantastic. So intense in every way. I could go on and on about that sweet stuff.
I've had a good amount of experience. A wide range of pressed pills, most not mdma. I've also had some pure sand on a couple occasions, some lower quality mdma on one occasion, and some mdai experience as well. The first mdai was very clean, the second was 30% at best.
I have tried it, and it is like a mild mdma that can't get you as high as mdma, but it was superior to all e pills that I tried up until i tried mdai. with its pleasant effects, good come down, and low price, it is definitley worth trying.
What are you waiting for darth?!?!
What exactly are you looking for? Typically, red strains are more sedative, have a heavier stone, and tend to cause motion sickness more easily at higher doses. White strains are more stimulating, and less likely to produce motion sickness. Green malay falls...
For those with an underlying mental disorder, drug use can be the trigger which allows the disorder to manifest itself. If you are prepared to face what might be deep down inside your unconscious, then trip away. If not... proceed with caution.