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  1. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Cut down the blue cheese this evening hung her up and turned the lights out.. see ya in two days blue....
  2. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    That qurkle is amazing... Very impressed it's so smooth yet potent... Def gonna grow again
  3. ReAlNy27

    how cold is too cold

    25vs from my root bound qurkle... Really nice smoke. Smell appeal it's all there.... Here is approx an 1/8th
  4. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    A little qurkle before it's jarred up.. smokes and smells amazing already....Really fast acting... Full body stone... Esp when your excited and smoke a bunch...
  5. ReAlNy27

    Turning the runt into a pounder experiment

    Like my current smoke.... A root bound qurkle that turned out amazing... Not allot of nug in the end 25gs but omg it's dank
  6. ReAlNy27

    how cold is too cold

    Didn't yield much ... I'll take some pix tomorrow before I jar it up...
  7. ReAlNy27

    how cold is too cold

    Qurkle has been down five days now.. few more days and the nugs hit the jar...... Iso hash coming out really nice....
  8. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Ok will do fo sho.... It still is really nice wish ppl could try... Lol Jan 5th here we come
  9. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    And a fun chart
  10. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Blue cheese in all her glory.
  11. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    From what I understand anything more then 30 seconds in the Iso and you start extracting serious chlorophyll..... I've messed it up once my first time... I'd was green dark dark green and what ide call Mackie hoop almost.... Ide let it stay in the iso for like five min while I was shaking...
  12. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    It has been tradition to use bubble bag system, but this Iso method is so fast and easy takes less then one week to finish depending on humidity and the time of year.... Idk for sure this is just what I noticed over the last five almost 6 years......
  13. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    30 s seconds in Iso with a good continual shake......then I strain the sugar leaf through two matching screen/ colundar kinda things.... And into the Pyrex it goes to evap and with is left is what my old man for many years has called "hash"... Always dank.... When it dries and the alcohol has...
  14. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Ha ha I.forgot I posted the hash alrdy.... Lol
  15. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Iso hash I made two days ago
  16. ReAlNy27

    how to cure properly?

    Thank you so much for the explanation
  17. ReAlNy27

    how to cure properly?

    So I have quite a bit of time into two plants and want them cured right any suggestion. I have shoulderless mason jars n my harvest from my one plant is hung up to dry. But how to cure correctly n remove the hay smell... Plz enlighten me....
  18. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    I used all the sugar leaf and popcorn budz and it looks really good thus far..... Smoke report to come.... Another three weeks for the blue cheese and we chop....
  19. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Qurkle has been cut down. And all remaining leaf has been made into Iso hash.