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  1. ReAlNy27

    Disappointed in my peers

    Disappointed in my peers
  2. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    All is well....... not that there is anyone following me here. We are almost done I'll post a couple pix Thursday when I feed again....
  3. ReAlNy27

    Leaves and buds turning purple

    Idk where ur from but it's not quite cold enough in the north east for that kinda color change to occur, I'm waiting for one of mine to change over.... I dont have it on my current grow but almost every time I've grown midnight kush end of September she turn purple.... Except for two of ten.....
  4. ReAlNy27

    How much longer do you think?

    She looks like she needs some love.....
  5. ReAlNy27

    How much longer do you think? Check this handheld out. I have the same one n have had it for a few years now... Never an issue only myself when I first got it...
  6. ReAlNy27

    Leaves and buds turning purple

    Show some pix plz. Could be as simple as genetics, or not.... Need to see the plants (s).....
  7. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Pix pix pix..... Blue cheese is a few weeks away from finishing lower flower all in all this bag seed turned out nice so far..... The querkel is still alive and well but it stayed really small due to being root bound and a test subject.... But we will be done very soon....
  8. ReAlNy27

    Turning the runt into a pounder experiment

    I agree about the screen or some kinda support... Scrog woulda been a good idea but it's a lil late for that now lol... That's a big girl...
  9. ReAlNy27

    Turning the runt into a pounder experiment

    Looking really nice....
  10. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Pistols are starting to suck back in. These girls are getting ready to finish......I'm figuring second week of October, so I'll prolly chop the third week of Oct..... Pix in two days...
  11. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    My always depressed qu rkel....
  12. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Week five of flower the blue cheese which is two weeks behind the qurkel is now the dominant.the qurkel always seems sad when she is in direct sunlight..... N e suggestions
  13. ReAlNy27

    Anyone Have Experience with 'Super Producer' (Flo)?

    So kinda by default whut your looking for is available but it's has a some difference from whut effect your looking for reproduction wise.... I hope this helps.
  14. ReAlNy27

    Anyone Have Experience with 'Super Producer' (Flo)?

    It sounds as if what you should be looking into is a perennial strain.... You can find it if interested through the breeder doggy butts. The strain is called big bad john... It's a perennial that if let alone in the wild colonizes with 3-4 offspring per growing season..... Here is a link for all...
  15. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    All was well yesterday. Plants look happy. No discoloration of other signs of stress I guess it's time to play the waiting game. Ordering my handheld microscope this Friday. I have done high hopes for my winter grow...... My little brother is finally catching on and remembering whut I show tell...
  16. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

  17. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    So pix today.... I haven't been out to see then in three or maybe four days.... Swollen isn't even the word my brother says but he is an excited newly... We shall see
  18. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Also the shoes aren't punk they r red Jordan's
  19. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Swell swell swell
  20. ReAlNy27

    outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

    Nothing new to report other then they keep gaining mass.. I'll have pix today or tomorrow... I wish I had a better camera my pix suck.... I'm hoping for a healthy finish and yield is looking hopeful for such small spindlie girls...