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  1. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    I hear ya MC. In all honesty I might give up. Not seeing big yields from the flowering Embry and she's like 12 weeks in or something, I'm chopping her week and that will bear on my Decision. Also, If those 4 WW clones all root, and start to grow well, I'll prolly definitely get rid of her. I...
  2. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    Hey guyz here's an update on the thing I have Growin! My white widow is growin very nicely, I've started training her and she loves it. I've also taken 4 potential clones so we shall see in a week or so. There's also some pix of the clones I took a couple weeks ago. 2 of them 4 weeks old...
  3. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    *envious* wish I had the room to make seeds, still too small time. I can't risk all the ladies gettin pregnant.
  4. Stgeneziz

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    If thinkng is good, how come it always gets me into trouble?! I'm the same way roseman, it really helps with my insomnia. Zzz Zzz
  5. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    That's a problem for sure!!! and in this case, murder is the answer!
  6. Stgeneziz

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Flushing is such a hot topic, along with 24/0 vs. 18/6, and I think some ppl are getting it all wrong when it comes to their plants. It took me 5 months to get to this point, but the less I fuss over my plants, the better they do. Ive been smokn for many years and have tasted good smoke, and...
  7. Stgeneziz

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    That's a very nice kief box then.
  8. Stgeneziz

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    The pic of that table made me think, got a dollar?
  9. Stgeneziz

    Florida Growers Thread

    Can u hear me?
  10. Stgeneziz

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Same Here MC, my clones are usually 4" tall, two sets of leaves (nicely trimmed), and then they're on their own. lol.
  11. Stgeneziz

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    You can chop the male roots no prob. I think Roseman even has a detailed post about the process. Can't find it at the moment, i'll look. As for cloning, it's the one part of MJ growing I feel confident on. To date i've had a 90% success rate with my clones, and I'm a total newb. Here's some...
  12. Stgeneziz

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    trust me, I had my finger on the buy it now button a wee or two ago to get new, more expensive nutes. Then I said to myself "wait, what you have already works" it's me that needs to get better as a grower, not the nutes. IMO.
  13. Stgeneziz

    Doob's and Mindmelted's Growinpalooza!!

    Indeed they are, I dunno how that happened. lol. That AJ looks great, the best part is that middle cola! How'd that thing get soo effin tall!! hey, we all have needs. lol.
  14. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Awesome Job!! She looks great!!!
  15. Stgeneziz

    Doob's and Mindmelted's Growinpalooza!!

    Wow, it's been 2 weeks you guyz! Those girls have got to be gettin fat.
  16. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    That one in the back right is looking very thick and bushy. Everythings looking good. =)
  17. Stgeneziz

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    It's posts like this one that remind me that i'm growing a PLANT,not operating a magic pot machine!!! Although, growing with hydro, sometimes I feel that way.... can't tell you the countless products i've researched and considered purchasing after reading, "New must have additive!!", somewhere...
  18. Stgeneziz

    Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow

    Sounds sick Jonny, make sure to think about web security when dealing with VPNs. =)
  19. Stgeneziz

    Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow

    Thats real bro... and a point of view I need to hear from time to time. I'm still in the process ya know, mid-late 20s and still just as confused as when I was 16, just different things now. It's startin to look like this is a life-long affliction, confusion. But I am gettin smarter about...