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  1. Stgeneziz

    Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow

    Can't keep a lil boy down! Everytime my nephews come over it's like a tornado at my house, it's nuts! (secretly I love it, they're a lot of fun) No kids for me tho, I'm scared of how crappy of a dad I might be. Lol.
  2. Stgeneziz

    Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow

    Holy crap Jonny, that's a serious fever bro. Our prayers are with you and yours. =)
  3. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    The CFL Sensei
  4. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Both. :bigjoint:
  5. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Looks like c5rtw has perhaps mastered the use of CFLs. =)
  6. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hmm.. I'm a newb so I never thought of iron. You know how everybody only ever talks about the usual, ph, temps, cal def./mag def. etc.. I personally blame all my problems on "underpants knomes"
  7. Stgeneziz

    My bubbleponics grow...

    I've screwed this process up twice since starting to grow, I think the key here is patience. (yes! just like everything else with growing) lol.
  8. Stgeneziz

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    One day it'll be a stoner that discovers time travel in an attempt to speed up harvest time!!! lol. I can see news reports now, " The science community was shocked today at the discovery of time travel by a South Florida resident. Even more shocking was his immediate arrest by county sheriffs...
  9. Stgeneziz

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hey earl, looks like i've had the same issue you're having with one of my seedlings. What do you attribute your problem to? I thought it might be a DEF. so I upped the nutes and started cal mag and so far so good, but I have this nagging feeling like i'm missing something.. currently I have GH...
  10. Stgeneziz

    First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)

    Nice pix!! Sorry bout the hermies! They'll still smoke well and who knows, you might get lucky with those seeds!
  11. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    thanx bro, things are definitely cookin! Yeah, they're a bit small, but they smell and look delicious. Out of all the plants in my tent, the sativa with the tiny buds smells the sweetest, and the strongest!!
  12. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    ok so these are reposts of my latest pix for everyone to enjoy!!
  13. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Thanx Roseman and you're right! these guys know how to grow in here!!!
  14. Stgeneziz

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    I don't think there's a single spot left at your house for another plant!! lol.
  15. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Here's Some back up to what roseman is talking about.... 2 months back I started to flower this plant and cut of the grow nutes, now she looks like this..... lots of leaf drop and such, not bad, but it doesn't look healthy. after all the activity i'd seen about nutes on the forums...
  16. Stgeneziz

    8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

    Damn, some nice grows for sure. Well, here's mine anyways.... end of week 8 with this sativa and she's starting to show orange shriveled pistols everywhere. I'm hoping that's a sign of the end cuz I don't know how much more she can do with all the damaged leaves.. she's had it rough, but I...
  17. Stgeneziz

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    that things gonna be pretty funny.
  18. Stgeneziz

    8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

    Very nice plants! few more weeks and the fun begins....
  19. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    Still much to be learned by me I suppose. I need to start taking yoga or sumthin, maybe that way I can chill and wait it out.
  20. Stgeneziz

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    It's all bagseed MC. That prolly has a lot to do with the potency as well. Or maybe I need to let em go even longer? that was ten weeks!!! and i'm not patient at all.. =(