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  1. S

    Plant Problems. Please Help! Bugs and water issues. Pics. +rep

    does anyone else think that this plant can make it? the bugs are beginning to die off. I sprayed with half a mixture of alcohol and water.. I stuck it outside hoping the sun would help a bit.. we shall see. any other advice?
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    Plant Problem. Please Help! Bugs and Water issues. Pics. +rep

    Anyone? Please.. can i get this plant to recover
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    Plant Problems. Please Help! Bugs and water issues. Pics. +rep

    i think i can get the bugs under control as I have found many solutions to kill them. But my main concern is my plant recovering from its extreme droopiness. I have never seen a plant soooo droopy and be able to recover, but it is still green though. Does anyone think it has a chance? I just...
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    Plant Problems. Please Help! Bugs and Water Issues. Pics. +rep

    i think i can get the bugs under control as I have found many solutions to kill them. But my main concern is my plant recovering from its extreme droopiness. I have never seen a plant soooo droopy and be able to recover, but it is still green though. Does anyone think it has a chance? I just...
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    Plant Problem. Please Help! Bugs and Water issues. Pics. +rep

    Thanks for the quick reply. Ive already posted in a few different sections also. I have the solution to deal with the bugs i think, but I am worried about the plant not being able to recover from how droopy it is. I have never seen a plant so droopy recover before. Does anyone think it will...
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    Plant Problems. Please Help! Bugs and Water Issues. Pics. +rep

    Hi all, I have some major issues with my Himalayan Gold. A few days ago it was fine, and was fed its nutes and was watered with its normal feeding schedule. It showed signs of nute stress and was immediately flushed. I went to sleep and when I checked on it in the morning I was unpleasently...
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    Plant Problems. Please Help! Bugs and water issues. Pics. +rep

    Hi all, I have some major issues with my Himalayan Gold. A few days ago it was fine, and was fed its nutes and was watered with its normal feeding schedule. It showed signs of nute stress and was immediately flushed. I went to sleep and when I checked on it in the morning I was unpleasently...
  8. S

    Plant Problem. Please Help! Bugs and Water issues. Pics. +rep

    Hi all, I have some major issues with my Himalayan Gold. A few days ago it was fine, and was fed its nutes and was watered with its normal feeding schedule. It showed signs of nute stress and was immediately flushed. I went to sleep and when I checked on it in the morning I was unpleasently...
  9. S

    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    eek no definatley not assasisn bugs. plus way smaller than that but thank u all
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    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    idk how to take pictures of them that close. just imagine a plant that looks extremely overwatered, still green but completely droopy, and dorito crumbs around the nodes and along the stem (not the main one but one of the branches) that seem to be probably eating at my plant. working on pictures...
  11. S

    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    looking closely gives me a headache and theyre hard as shit to find with the scope but if im correct theres 6 legs 2 black eyes and 2 tentacles on the head, once again its a orange tiny tiny bug that i thought might be a mealybug but i dont think so after looking closer.
  12. S

    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    they arent spider mites i looked at them under 60x magnification with light and they are very plain looking with black eyes and are definately orange. pics on the way hopefully soon; if anyone has any idea what the problem could be please let me know this is really depressssingggggg...
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    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    bump bump bump.. i know someone can help. please RIU family
  14. S

    Little Orange/yellow bugs attacking nodes 1 week into flower. +rep help

    Hi all, Went to check on my plants this morning and one of them is badly infected with little orange bugs that almost look like termites. I dont have pics but it simply looks like someone has gone over top of my plant and eaten some nacho doritos and the little crumbs are on the plants. The...
  15. S

    Help! Orange little bug problem. Cant diagnose. Need to know what to do. +rep

    please anyone? i really need help and need to figure out what to do now. does anyone have any suggestions
  16. S

    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    please anyone? i need to figure out something quick
  17. S

    Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep

    Hi all, Went to check on my plants this morning and one of them is badly infected with little orange bugs that almost look like termites. I dont have pics but it simply looks like someone has gone over top of my plant and eaten some nacho doritos and the little crumbs are on the plants. The...
  18. S

    Help! Orange little bug problem. Cant diagnose. Need to know what to do. +rep

    Hi all, Went to check on my plants this morning and one of them is badly infected with little orange bugs that almost look like termites. I dont have pics but it simply looks like someone has gone over top of my plant and eaten some nacho doritos and the little crumbs are on the plants. The...
  19. S

    Possible problem with plants. PICS. Please help

    bump bump bump.. anyone have anymore advice or comments? much appreciated