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  1. Mazar i Shariff

    Rotten bud!?!

    Looks good! I see some purple hues showing in some of the calyx. It's up to you tho homes. I'm glad you took my advice on busting a fan out and putting up some plastic to shelter them. That should make a huge difference and allow you to continue as long as you choose with little to no more...
  2. Mazar i Shariff

    Rotten bud!?!

    It's not condensation if they're just sitting there in the open. It's more just absorbtion. Your buds are like sponges, and as long as it rains, they are going to absorb as much as they can before dripoff, and then the sec it rains, it will take a certain amount of time to dry unless you're...
  3. Mazar i Shariff

    Drying and curing quick question!!! pleas help

    Too hard to tell ... Unless it was a purple variety or something with a very unique characteristic, there are just too many hybrids out there these days to blindly call it. I can tell you tho that if those pics were right before you pulled that they were pulled way too early. The hairs are...
  4. Mazar i Shariff

    Budda Bloom, when to flush?

    You can keep feeding your Roots Organics products up until the day you wanna start flushing. I aim for letting my girls go 10 weeks, and will start flushing the second the begin week 9, giving them a good 2 weeks. This is because I have very large plants that are well established in the ground...
  5. Mazar i Shariff

    My Organic Tea Recipe Thread. Share Yours

    Great thread everyone! I look forward to stop buying organic nutes and start creating my own composts & teas from scratch. I may have to buy some stuff here & there, but I know a lot of it I can simply get from my own daily activities & routines. Some goals for going homemade organic: 1)...
  6. Mazar i Shariff

    Organic soil grow, necessary to flush?

    When you feed your plants synthetics, the nutrients are simply broken down so they are readily available to the plant. When feeding organic sources, you are still feeding those same nutrients to the plant, they are simply from different sources, and because they are organic, they are not as...
  7. Mazar i Shariff

    Rotten bud!?!

    When you're talking about a disease, yes, disease control works. At the very least, spraying your plants down with a water dilluted hydrogen peroxide solution is another great way to help prevent bud rot, mold, & mildew. But i agree, the chemicals are unwanted (atleast in my garden), however, if...
  8. Mazar i Shariff

    Go san francisco 49ers!!!

    I will put money on Eagles to win the superbowl if they keep Vick in the full season, which it's seriously looking that way!
  9. Mazar i Shariff

    2 1/2 Weeks From Harvest ... Should I Trim Leaves OR Wait Til They Autumn Off???

    Thx for the advice bro! And trust me, branches are tied best I can, yet I'm still crawling on my hands & knees just to get around haha shit is THAT grown in. I mean, the plants have been going from seed/clone since Jan/Feb, and have been under bright blue skys in a professional grade...
  10. Mazar i Shariff

    2 1/2 Weeks From Harvest ... Should I Trim Leaves OR Wait Til They Autumn Off???

    For sure ... I have not been giving them reverse osmosis water yet, and when I do @ the rate they are feeding I should be able to get her to autumn off in no time. I'm going to aim to do 2 more PK & Carboloading feeds along with some Humic/Fulvic acid, and Vitamin B complex, and then switch to a...
  11. Mazar i Shariff

    Does Air Quality correlate to Better Aroma/Flavor???

    No problem bro! I'll post more info about this in the future. Some of my quality control tests over the next year will be synthetic/organic side by side, so I kinda wanna do that indoor, and then a synthetic/organic outdoor, and then take all the different results, list all the different factors...
  12. Mazar i Shariff

    Rotten bud!?!

    If things come back and/or worsen, you can consider as a last resort a disease control spray. I'm an organic grower, but for bud rot you need to act quick and idk if i'd trust organics to kill that off n save a plant in time, so when i say last resort i'd prob go chemical, which will alter the...
  13. Mazar i Shariff

    Drying and curing quick question!!! pleas help

    Yes, the smell will return. But a lot of it will also have to do with whether or not you flushed your plants properly. Plants can smell dank whether they are full of nutrients or not while fresh, but it's another story as they start to dry. What you could be experiencing now is smelling them...
  14. Mazar i Shariff

    Heart Broken

    Why were you knowingly growing male plants??? This is why you have seeds. Male plants do not produce buds. Only seed stalks and pollen sacs. No positive reason to keep one unless you are looking to purposely breed seeds and/or create a new hybrid cross. Novice mistake, but you'll remember this...
  15. Mazar i Shariff

    Carbon filter outside the box???

    Completely up to you, inside will clean more odors, but if it's a leaking problem in one small area and you want to keep the room itself smelling dank, outside would be a better place ... Air Exchange & Air Flow are very important factors that should always be considered to the highest extent...
  16. Mazar i Shariff

    New to Porland, OR???

    Not a bad idea! Where did 'call me a mess' disappear to? Still checking this thread bro?
  17. Mazar i Shariff

    2 1/2 Weeks From Harvest ... Should I Trim Leaves OR Wait Til They Autumn Off???

    I will take some pictures in just a sec here, but basically my White Widow is BY FAR the most compact girl in my greenhouse. And being that she is the shortest/bushiest and is kinda tucked in the middle, there's no way she can get enough light anymore to support full on growth in the lower...
  18. Mazar i Shariff

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    Interesting. I'm shocked that at day #42 1435ppm is too much at those ratios. Guess they aren't too heavy of feeders. But I'd have to agree, a 20% cut and seeing how they react would be best. And because you aren't using a PPM meter, don't forget to account for water evaporation in an open...
  19. Mazar i Shariff

    Anyone ever grown Mazar OUTDOORS?

    I just went out and looked at the StarTrek and couldn't help but just start laughing. This really should be entered into a cannabis cup competition. They are to that point where every single day now there is a significantly noticably higher quanitity in both weight & trichome production. The sun...
  20. Mazar i Shariff

    Go san francisco 49ers!!!

    Vick IS the starter until further notice and he's been playing every minute of offense since the second half of game one. Guess you didn't notice that... If he keeps up this performance, they will not risk switching QBs as they get closer & closer to the playoffs, as a playoff team already has...