geez nice highjack bro...
Anyways I have had the hairs turn early and now realize that it was on the white widow more than the others. They all hadd some red hairs though and I found zero evidence that they were pollinated.
haha i was wondering what I was missing
Have you ever watched the bonus stuff on "Benders Big Score"? It talks about some of the more hidden nerdy jokes.
These are all the NoNames I have right now. The one in flower is 2weeks into bloom and looking good with 6+ good bud sites.
The three in veg are 23 days from clone date and starting to grow nicely.
Well under normal outside conditions the plant gets stressed toward the end of flower driving the final push to propagate swelling the buds. Is that something you really want to lose?
Hey guys thanks for the kind words.
I am glad to see some action in my thread. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free.
About my name guess I am still just a kid at heart :P
Hey truepunk thanks for stopping in!
The Noname is a strain i just got last time around. Got one clone and grew it out. Had some mite issues so can't really comment on the yield much. But I liked the flavor and high of the buds i did get a lot. This is the main reason I was happy to keep...
cooling the light with a cooltube that just draws air from the tent would prob work well for setup. Putting any amount of vent on the fan is gonna restrict it some.
From my understanding in sealed jars it should last at least 6 months and maybe longer if they contain the right moisture content. Check the sticky's in the curing section, might have better info.
1. yrs experience-1
2. Type of grow- Aero/shallow water culture
3. Type of grow- Bushy
4. which nutes- AN Sensi expert lvl
5. PPM- 100start-600finish
6. Lighting- Veg-4bulb T5 Bloom- 1400w HPS
7. PH- I dont
8. Days in veg- ~30
9. Normal Temps and RH- 80-85degrees @ 50-55% RH
10. One plants avg...
I just wanted to start up a thread with a simple list for others to fill out about their growing style. This is not a debate or a contest! This is just meant to be a simple sheet of facts for comparison. Feel free to add any other info you please.
1. yrs experience
2. Type of grow (ebb...