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  1. SimplySmokin

    Use of Coffee Grounds

    Finally some science. Thx Bundles..+reps to ya
  2. SimplySmokin

    Alfalfa Meal

    wow pellets $7.50 /50# here in Montana purchased today
  3. SimplySmokin


    Just bought alfalfa pellets here today... ingredient label... alfalfa meal.. that was it... the instant I placed in warm water tehy disolved to meal in water.
  4. SimplySmokin

    25 days flowering.

    Looking good and ya.. # 1 looks just a bit stressed.
  5. SimplySmokin

    two weeks in flower stg still no sign of sex ++REP

    A fridge would work but you should have vent holes cut into it for cooling and just basic air exchange..
  6. SimplySmokin

    sunlight and flourescent?

    Nothing will happen with the fluctuation of intensity or wavelength and if it would be better would depend more on what tyupe of grow lights you were placing them in. Since you said plants... if you really want to know.. move 1 inside and out and leave the others under the light.. you should be...
  7. SimplySmokin

    Are they ready to flower?

    Just give em time and they'll reveal themselves to ya.., Unless your just ready to throw em into flower at that stage.
  8. SimplySmokin

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    Where can I get me 1 of those 30 hour timers ??
  9. SimplySmokin

    Lol you can tell alot bout a man by his hat.., and the way he wears it.

    Lol you can tell alot bout a man by his hat.., and the way he wears it.
  10. SimplySmokin

    help with nuts n ferts

    The peels I would run throgh a food processor first or at least chop them finely also they should actually soak for 5-7 days stirring daily before using the water off the top. Bear in mind the growth stages and the requirements needed for each although if not needed they are just wasted...
  11. SimplySmokin

    help with nuts n ferts

    Here is a partial list.., for more you can do a search on composting values of food waste..., High N: Blood Meal (NPK 13-1-0) Coffee grounds (NPK 1,99-0,36-0,67) Felt (NPK 14-0-0) Hair (NPK 14-0-0) Tea grounds (NPK 4,15-0,62-0,4) Worm Meal (dried & ground worms) NPK 10-1-1 Greens...
  12. SimplySmokin

    help with nuts n ferts

    I've never foliar fed molassess I dont think it would be a good idea just because of the stomata opening and closing though I couldnt say for sure...
  13. SimplySmokin

    Heard you were having trouble uploaqding pics to your post.. heres a quick link w/ a pci showing...

    Heard you were having trouble uploaqding pics to your post.. heres a quick link w/ a pci showing you how.. GOOD LUCK and welcome to the jungle
  14. SimplySmokin

    Right on..., preciate the links.. always say I try to learn something new every single day and...

    Right on..., preciate the links.. always say I try to learn something new every single day and here.. hell I have enough for bout a week lol.. thx again moo
  15. SimplySmokin

    Need a good heating pad for clones ???

    Well coo coo ketchoo Mrs. Robinson ... lol Thx for stopping by
  16. SimplySmokin

    lol yepper I bet that what ya gotta do ;-)

    lol yepper I bet that what ya gotta do ;-)
  17. SimplySmokin

    lol thx.., your avatar couldve been me a few years back..., ifn I did modeling work and ifn I...

    lol thx.., your avatar couldve been me a few years back..., ifn I did modeling work and ifn I was to have taken steroids.. other than that its my twin lol
  18. SimplySmokin

    growing in an a abandoned house w/ no roof in pr

    Not sure if thats a good idea, but with an abandoned house like that nxt door, you may wish to find out who owns it and make thema severly cheap offer on the house. I did that and with $100 down got some really cheap property with zero intrest notes when I was in the realty game. Ended up with...
  19. SimplySmokin

    Hows teh jllybean look ? any pics up yet ?

    Hows teh jllybean look ? any pics up yet ?
  20. SimplySmokin

    Hows it Bro, glad to see another jarhead that likes green other than olive drab ;-)

    Hows it Bro, glad to see another jarhead that likes green other than olive drab ;-)