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  1. SimplySmokin

    Improvise on my plan please :D?

    Ya know, you had me all with ya with the ferns composting.., I thought.., okay, this could be good, I'd be for testing the ph of that soil for sure though.., And it could be pretty hot. Then you start adding manure and all i'm thinking is the weeds that come with the chit, and again, might be a...
  2. SimplySmokin

    TeeAychSee's First Grow ~ Soil ~ Organic ~ From Seed

    Nice operation , as for that lil spot in pic 1..., Hell that young dont worry bout a little spot, It could have been caused by about anything, no need to worry unless it gets bigger, or spreads on itself or others.., I think it all looks great... subed be watchin u
  3. SimplySmokin

    Widow/skunk a 8 weeks...

    I hink you still have a bit though when it turns it goes like a light switch. You'll find some good info in a thread started fro fdd entitled "Harvesting... A tutorial" Heres a link for ya and it looks tasty
  4. SimplySmokin

    I'd like to get some of the martian, heard its kick ass, aalready got peeps out there in search...

    I'd like to get some of the martian, heard its kick ass, aalready got peeps out there in search of for me
  5. SimplySmokin

    Male or Cylaxes ??

    yepper got it lol Males no hairs... If it has hairs and no balls Female.. If it has both Hermie. ;-)
  6. SimplySmokin

    2 New Clones brought home today !

    Hey Thx Bro, good 2 c ya again 2 BTW. Soil is a blend of generic potting soil and diatomacious earth though I know I'm gonna have to get a lil perlite in there. It just seems to be a little dense to me but the first grow didnt show it.
  7. SimplySmokin

    Male or Cylaxes ??

    ya re I thinik cowasaki meant a male wouldnt have the hairs ??( a male will have flowers with the pollen, no hairs,seeds,or bud) Anyrate, I appreciate the Info and I realize people, myself included, tend to make this aspect of growing alot more of an issue than it should be.
  8. SimplySmokin

    Male or Cylaxes ??

    Yepper.. I wasnt worried at all til a friend stopped by and started to convince me that women had a penis lol +rep to ya dark ty
  9. SimplySmokin

    Male or Cylaxes ??

    :blsmoke:No male on the premisis ever.. Just had power outage 4 or 5 days ago and sent me to panic.., Thx Bro.., Sry I cant give ya those + reps, says I gotsta spread some more around b4 I give ya more lol
  10. SimplySmokin

    Male or Cylaxes ??

  11. SimplySmokin

    WEll basically look at my links in my signature. I wanna make em look like yours.

    WEll basically look at my links in my signature. I wanna make em look like yours.
  12. SimplySmokin

    1st time grow ever

    Defiantely getting spnidly now. Also may want to add a fan blowing indirectly on them for some stem strengthening.
  13. SimplySmokin

    2 New Clones brought home today !

    Actually this is the first cabinet I startedwith. I have another under the bench in the grow room that I have 2 small flowers in right now. Those areas ae both going to be veg while the grow room itself will be flowering. I also have another smaller cabinet for my germ and clone cabinet.
  14. SimplySmokin

    What Do You Think Is Wrong With These Plants?

    Since its in flowering I would say it looks more like a phosphoorus deficiency
  15. SimplySmokin

    2 New Clones brought home today !

    lol Thx I'll remember that, Hope to be harvesting about 16 - 20 per month 6 months from now and +reps for the offer ;-)
  16. SimplySmokin

    Hey.., check out what I got today...

    Hey.., check out what I got today...
  17. SimplySmokin

    Hey.., check out what I got today...

    Hey.., check out what I got today...
  18. SimplySmokin

    Hey.., check out what I got today...

    Hey.., check out what I got today...
  19. SimplySmokin

    Take a peak at my new clones Hey.., check out what I got today...

    Take a peak at my new clones Hey.., check out what I got today...
  20. SimplySmokin

    Hey.., check out what I got today...

    Hey.., check out what I got today...