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  1. anhedonia

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    Can you give me a link? Ive wanted to grow some herbs and botanicals to mix with my ganja.
  2. anhedonia

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    Alot of your comments are very paradoxical. Aren't you really saying YOU have it all figured out, I mean really, the way in which you refute science and at the same time ask naive questions that really reveal your misunderstanding of it. And also, christians have a flawed way of logic that keeps...
  3. anhedonia

    1000watt hps yeild?

    I use a co2 boost bucket. Dont have a regulator but I have it on a timer. For soil I use coconot with an amendment or I buy organicare pure earth or roots organics. Use organic nutrients. Pura vida grow 6-4-4 and bloom 2-6-6, flora nectar 0-0-1, gravity and purplemaxx.
  4. anhedonia

    Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion

    Are you mad at what scientists tell us?
  5. anhedonia

    Pistils shriveling on a 35 day in plant.

    As I said earlier there are no males in the room. No sign of pollen sacs anywhere. Could it be natural and nothing is wrong?
  6. anhedonia

    1000watt hps yeild?

    I use co2, ph every feeding, temps stay in the high 70's low 80's. My plants can be 10 inches from the light without stress. I have a 620 cfm fan and a thermal heat shield on the reflector(1kHPS). I water whenever the container feels light or the surface dirt is completely dry. I usually get...
  7. anhedonia

    Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion

    Yeah, "How dare they teach my children that our lord and savior came from an ape! How dare they!" Ever heard that one? Thats one of the reasons creationists cant accept evolution. Poor bastards.
  8. anhedonia

    Pistils shriveling on a 35 day in plant.

    No males. There is only 3 plants being flowered and the other 2 havnt been flowering long enough to make male parts, but I'll check anyway. The other question how much do I feed, I have no clue how many ppm's. I feed the plants 6tsp/gal every 2 waterings.
  9. anhedonia

    Pistils shriveling on a 35 day in plant.

    Flora nectar 0-0-1 and pura vida 2-6-6, all vegan. Does this happen with some strains? For those that want pictures, Ill have to wait until the lights come on again, so tomorrow morning. Most of it is happening on the lower branches. Im guessing they're going to fall off.
  10. anhedonia

    Pistils shriveling on a 35 day in plant.

    You have to be kidding me!?? No one can answer this? +rep to whoever can fill me in.
  11. anhedonia

    1000watt hps yeild?

    Soooo, how do you get 1g a watt? Im doin everything it seems. Even started messin around with some non-organic bloom enhancers.
  12. anhedonia

    15+ strains with sensi jack herer. 1000HPS perpetual.

    This morning I found 4 blue dreams and 2 white berrys all wilted and barely standing up. They dont look very happy thats for sure, but I have seen cuts grow roots that looked like that. the other 3 blue dream and 3 whiteberrys look like they were just taken off the plant. I need to make a...
  13. anhedonia

    1000watt hps yeild?

    Ive been getting shit yields and I flower with 1kHPS and use CO2 in a 4x4 tent. Would really like to know how to increase my yields.
  14. anhedonia

    GDDMIT!!! My favorite strain wont root! What a nightmare

    I cut off some extra foliage to stop that.
  15. anhedonia

    GDDMIT!!! My favorite strain wont root! What a nightmare

    Checked the rooting blue dreams at 12 days and nothing. They dont even hold on to the cube. I pulled one out and redipped it and put it into a new cube. The thing didnt even have bumps. Yet both of them have been growing. I just took 7 new bluedreams this afternoon. My hydro store guy told me to...
  16. anhedonia

    15+ strains with sensi jack herer. 1000HPS perpetual.

    :cuss:Checked for roots on 2 blue dream clones which are growing and yet they have absolutely NO bumps or roots. It just grows. I took 7 new blue dream cuttings put them into oasis along with 5 white berry and 3 other randoms. Some of you may think Im crazy for doing this but my hydro store...
  17. anhedonia

    4x4 Tent, blue dream grow

    Got some blue dream goin. Its my favorite smoke f'n love it. Similar set up 4x4 sunhut, 1000k HPS, CO2 boost system. Got one coming up on week 5 flowering. Good luck!
  18. anhedonia

    OW! An ounce a plant in seven gallons. Help.

    Got some pictures?
  19. anhedonia

    cloning a cloned clone

    Why do so many people hate him? I guess the whole sunglasses, hat and dreadlock thing is a bit stupid. And alot of his information isn't that great. The cervantes manual is helpful, but doesnt have specific answers.
  20. anhedonia

    GDDMIT!!! My favorite strain wont root! What a nightmare

    I need to take 8 blue dreams today! I have a 60 site e-z cloner aero unit thats gonna take about $40 to get it back up to par. Buy all new pieces for it. Should I use the oasis still and possibly get clones that don't root? I really want a 100% success.