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  1. The Potologist

    Marijuana For Depression?

    I have spent an hour trying to find the article, but Its not my lucky day today. However, I know its somewheres on They published an article that was released from a swedish lab. They are the first to show a nexus( direct link) between heavy cannabis consumption and...
  2. The Potologist

    Just potentially had a stroke of genius!!! ( creation of a new super soil )

    As far as organics go, I think thats a great creation. I wish I could say what it would do to the soil, but I think thats something only time can tell us......SO, I am going to be a bandit of thoughts and go try it out myself. I am sucking down some uber boredom and this is my cure. I hope you...
  3. The Potologist

    yield guesses for this beast

    If you do start to notice refridgerator size budz....Please take extreme caution!!! These are to only be handeled by known experts of ""refridgerator nugz". I can say that I was forced into retirement early by them heavy bitches! I forgot to lift with my legs and not my back. So, make sure to...
  4. The Potologist

    My very first plant ever.

    Yeah buddie! Those banhammers surely dont tickle either :)
  5. The Potologist

    Put up or shut up!!!

    Thanks for the reply and the comments. They are much appreciated. Sadly, I agree with your comments about petro based fertilizers. In the long run, and in the big picture, they are destroying our planet that most people seem to forget that we only get one chance with. As far as my concerns...
  6. The Potologist

    My monsters!!!!!! Check it out!

    I live on a far far away planet. Many blutons and galaxies away. Near marsh en poop Lane :) Peace, Love, and Happiness
  7. The Potologist

    how close to harvest???

    Nice plant for the amount of power. Its got alot of sativa in her. I would be safe and be patient. Its almost always better to wait longer than expected with sativas. Moreso, you picking a bud off to smoke is not going to harm the plant. Even if you dry the bud out, dont expect to get blown...
  8. The Potologist

    TGA By Others

    I see Im not alone. The person that actual grew the sample I had is very good at what he does, so I kinda ruled that flaw option out. I think its just DPD....Def. some of the most unique tasting ( not in a good way) cannabis I have ever consumed. But, its does give a great high, IMO. Peace...
  9. The Potologist

    TGA By Others

    I absolutely love DPD strainworks. It gave me a stellar high. Just pure Nirvana. I have never grown it, but the samples that I did get to smoke were a true blessing. Awesome high and pain relief. Only downer to this strain is taste ( IMO). Taste just is'nt there. Its like a musty dull plain...
  10. The Potologist

    BIG FAN OF LEAF NIPPLE COVERS :) Thanks for the flashing :) Feel free to do so more often...

    BIG FAN OF LEAF NIPPLE COVERS :) Thanks for the flashing :) Feel free to do so more often. Peace, Love, and Happiness
  11. The Potologist

    I love your AV, some really neat photoshopping you did there brotha! +rep Peace, Love, and Happiness

    I love your AV, some really neat photoshopping you did there brotha! +rep Peace, Love, and Happiness
  12. The Potologist

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    Depending on where he lives, that could cause complete tragedy. Sun spectrum is very important to a flowering plant. Putting a flowering plant out in mid july is just a recipe for disaster. Completely wrong spectrum.
  13. The Potologist

    yield guesses for this beast

    Now thats a bush!! Nice job! Awesome indoor tree! Although I agree with ganjaluvr...I am going to wager a guess of 3 to 3 1/4 oz. Bump +rep
  14. The Potologist

    Put up or shut up!!!

    My deduction is that, if they dont mind smoking it, they certianly cant mind bathing, or drinking, or even snorting it for that matter :)
  15. The Potologist

    Put up or shut up!!!

    ahhh....thats cause it is brotha! :mrgreen::peace:
  16. The Potologist

    Put up or shut up!!!

    GREAT READ!! Thanks for the link fdd! I have one conclusion after reading all of that. Humans, can be extremely foolish, especially when combatting boredom! Just foolishness. Peace, Love, and Happiness
  17. The Potologist

    Put up or shut up!!!

    Very nice and maticulate piece! Good knowledge, and a respectable projection of your message. I believe, that there is no disputing the historical usage of human urine in agriculture. For those who smell "ammonia" in their urine or any other urine, its actually high concentrations of bonded...
  18. The Potologist

    My very first plant ever.

    My point exactly. I asked more than once. More than twice. Then I demanded once, and then twice. I was making no progress with basic respectfull request of both Kaleb and I. I took account for you not seeming to notice. I needed to get my point across, and I feel I did within my means. We, both...
  19. The Potologist

    opinions please

    Well, I would like to say those are some nice shots of your bud. No matter how close you get with your camera, no one is really going to be able to give you an accurate opinion worth considering. What you need is a handheld microscope so you can evaluate the trichomes on those frosty nugz. Only...
  20. The Potologist

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    Well, first I recommend that you take a deep breath. I dont like to say this, but the idea of putting them outdoors, would be a total loss for you. I am sorry to say, you are in between a rock and a hard place. Your best bet is to flush with unsulphured molasses and begin harvest at your max...