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  1. Kant

    So the kid upstairs odor's are "Seeping"

    owww but i liked the fake raid idea.....:sad:
  2. Kant

    Random Event - How you know your GF Is Cool

    that's awesome. I guess can see why the thought behind it really does matter....
  3. Kant

    So the kid upstairs odor's are "Seeping"

    wow that just mean and awesome. It could only get better if you brought a dog along to bark loudly.:bigjoint:
  4. Kant


    do you accept cupcakes?
  5. Kant

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

  6. Kant

    how red is YOUR neck?

    I have a nice monitor tan going... ...that gentle blue glow is doing wonders:bigjoint:
  7. Kant

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    I haven't really found one thing that works well. soda while delicious doesn't really help the cotton mouth, whereas things that help the cotton mouth aren't particularly delicious.
  8. Kant

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    it's like eating bbq angel wings.:shock:
  9. Kant

    ShamWow Frontman Beats Up hooker! New nickname is ShamPow

    maybe this hooker thing is a promotion for it.
  10. Kant

    ShamWow Frontman Beats Up hooker! New nickname is ShamPow

    knowing that she is a hooker, i wouldn't kiss her but if she had some other occupation i might consider it.
  11. Kant

    ShamWow Frontman Beats Up hooker! New nickname is ShamPow

    Granted the right picture of her isn't all that flattering but the left one isn't that bad.
  12. Kant

    ShamWow Frontman Beats Up hooker! New nickname is ShamPow

    did you see a picture of the hooker? she wasn't that bad looking.
  13. Kant

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    Tab is this really disgusting diet soda that was hugely popular in the 80's
  14. Kant

    The White House: Open for questions

    yeah these latest stunts have lost obama (and his administration) points in my book.
  15. Kant

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    oh they still make tab. my roommate drinks it by the gallons.
  16. Kant

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    isn't regular tab supposed to be a diet soda?
  17. Kant


    i want a burrito.....
  18. Kant

    legalization of marijuana

    I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about but... YcRMRuS-J-U
  19. Kant

    Topsy Turvy Pot Planter

    well in all fairness fdd is magical. he put a clone into cat litter (or was it food) and it grew.
  20. Kant

    Topsy Turvy Pot Planter

    haha I didn't think about that but yeah. It just seems like unnecessary headaches.