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  1. Stinkmeaner

    Male or female?

    cant tell. no sign of sex is showing, to my eyes
  2. Stinkmeaner

    Question about shutting off lights during flowering.

    400 w ? on 17 plants? you should just grow outdoors at summer.problem solved
  3. Stinkmeaner

    female or male help pls

    ............allrite sit back and wait 6 weeks if you like. if you want to know the sex ASAP, switch the light
  4. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    oh snap " a gallon a month" man thats crazy but look at the pot size in condition to the plant and lighter. the plant is about 3 times larger than the pot. when i grew autos the pot was as big as the plant. heightwise atleast. looked stupid as hell
  5. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    yeah i guess im vague. i mean how small does a pot have to be to keep an auto rootbound? but then again, people manage to grow in dixie cups as you say...hmmm
  6. Stinkmeaner

    Some help pls

    c'mon paul. a person switches to 12 hours of light, 12 hours of dark WHENever HE wants the plant to bloom. get it? you can veg ( keep it vegative stage) as long as you want to. no buds will form durin this time. when you feel the plant is large / ready enough for the lightswitch a.k.a...
  7. Stinkmeaner

    female or male help pls

    you need to switch to 12/12 for that. about 2 weeks in of that , youll be certain if its a Alpha or feline
  8. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    yeah but was 3 gallons really necessery ? feels like thats way to big imo. my auto only got about a foot tall .
  9. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    yeah shit is crazy. i grew an auto in a 1, 7 gallon pot . shit the pot was as big as the plant in the end :S
  10. Stinkmeaner

    Does she have a chance?

    looks like she was on fire, and somebody tried to put her out with a iceskate =O anywho, just give her what she needs and you'll be fine. they strong as hell
  11. Stinkmeaner

    Question about shutting off lights during flowering.

    ??? wait WHY you got 4000 W of light?! how many plants you growing? 600 ? just go buy a oscillating human fan and direct it towards you bulbs. 10 bucks tops
  12. Stinkmeaner

    Is this a good closet room?

    HAHA!..wait what? HAHA!
  13. Stinkmeaner

    Is it ok to....

    its ok man. you shoudlnt have givin em 24 hours of light . they need darkperiods to grow. they absorb light durin the day so they can convert it to growth durin the night so go ahead and switch
  14. Stinkmeaner

    Question about shutting off lights during flowering.

    you might just stress them out with doin that. thats how hermies are born you know you aint got a fan or nothing?
  15. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    so we all know that autos grows however they want and bloom whenever they want question is, what is the smallest pot you can use for optimum growth? i mean they dont get that big you know 1 gallon minimum?
  16. Stinkmeaner

    Cfl vs hps ?

    yeah im really sorry for bad my bad. it wont happen again
  17. Stinkmeaner

    Cfl vs hps ?

    disagreed. CFL's is the coolest of all. thats why HPS neds cooltubes
  18. Stinkmeaner

    My plants stopped growing bigger just getting bushy help

    if you top them they will become even more bushier and shorter. whats those lights in actual watts? if you plan to take clones i suggest you wait until they bigger
  19. Stinkmeaner

    Autoflower seed that doesnt autoflower question HELP PLEASE!

    man you smoke to goddamn much! the plant is allready flowering homeboy. just sit tight
  20. Stinkmeaner

    Is this light enough?

    your good. even better, your fine ^^ ive seen people grow bud with 40 Watts and in the wrong spectrum. so go head man